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obavijesti vijeće i komisiju da ne želi smanjiti taj rashod te u tom slučaju odluka stupa na snagu prije isteka 30 dana.
informs the council and the commission that it does not wish to reduce that expenditure, in which case the decision shall enter into force before the expiry of the 30 days.
odlučujući većinom svojih članova, odluči smanjiti taj rashod u navedenom roku te u tom slučaju komisija daje novi prijedlog;
acting by a majority of its component members, decides to reduce that expenditure within that time limit, in which case the commission shall submit a new proposal;
zadaća utvrđivanja je li prihod primljen i je li rashod nastao zakonito i ispravno i je li financijsko upravljanje bilo dobro, proširuje se na to kako tijela izvan institucija koriste sredstva unije koja su primila kao doprinose.
the task of establishing that the revenue has been received and the expenditure incurred in a lawful and proper manner and that the financial management has been sound shall extend to the utilisation, by bodies outside the institutions, of union funds received by way of contributions.
u prebačaju je i rashod sadašnje vrijednosti zrakoplova temeljem provedene prodaje tri zrakoplova atr, od kojih su dva povratno zadržana u operativnom najmu do isteka sezone te jednog zrakoplova airbus koji je prodan krajem godine i također povratno zadržan u operativnom najmu.
based on the sale of three atr aircraft, two of which were kept in the operative lease until the end of the season, and the sale of an airbus at the end of the year, which was also kept in the operative lease, the reduction of the current value of the aircraft was also in an overrun.
ako odgovorni dužnosnik za ovjeravanje primi na znanje informacije koje dovode u pitanje prihvatljivost rashoda iz zahtjeva za plaćanje, on može suspendirati rok za plaćanje kako bi se provjerilo, uključujući provjere na licu mjesta, da je rashod uistinu prihvatljiv.
if information comes to the notice of the authorising officer responsible which puts in doubt the eligibility of expenditure in a payment request, he or she may suspend the time limit for payment for the purpose of verifying, including by means of on‑the‑spot checks, that the expenditure is indeed eligible.
kada sud procjenjuje stopu pogreške, uzima u obzir i financijske korekcije i povrate sredstava ako su oni poništili pogrešne isplate izvršene tijekom iste godine, odnosno ako je netočan rashod uočen i izuzet iz prijave koju je komisiji poslala određena država članica i/ili je tijekom godine doveo do povrata sredstava od korisnika.
financial corrections and recoveries are taken into account in the error rate estimated by the eca, if they reverse erroneous payments made during the same year: in other words if the incorrect expenditure has been identified and excluded from the declaration sent by the member state concerned to the commission and/or led to recoveries from beneficiaries during the year.