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l-isem williams jista jintuża biss biex jiddeskrivi xorb tal-lanġas prodott esklusivament mil-lanġas tal-varjetà williams'.
the name williams may be used only to describe pear spirit produced solely from pears of the 'williams' variety.
fis-sentenza tal-qortital-prim’istanza tal10 ta’settembru 2008, williams vs ilkummissjoni (t-42/05, li mhux ippubblikata), qamet ilkwistjoni jekk deċiżjoni li tir r iè u ta parzjalment li jingħata aċċess għal ċerti dokumenti li hija tidentifika tistax tiġi interpretata bħala li tinkludi r iè ut impliċitu ta’aċċess għal ċerti tipi ta’dokumenti oħra, bħal memoranda u posta elettronika skambjati meta kienu qed jitħejjew it-travaux préparatoires taddirettiva 2001/18/ke 29 fuq l-omĠ, li mhumiex identifikati fiha, iżda li anki firrigward tagħhom saret talba għal aċċess.
the question of the naming of an official in documents relating to a case of maladministration circulated by a community institution or body was also examined by thecourtoffirstinstance in case t-412/05 m v european ombudsman (judgment of 24 september 2008, not published). the applicant, an official of the commission, sought compensation for the damage he claimed to have suffered by reason of his being named in a decision of the european ombudsman relating to a complaint of maladministration on the part of the department of the commission to which he was assigned and concerning, inter alia, the building of a sewage treatment plant with adverse effects on the environment.