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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1
nazwa gajim jest akronimem rekurencyjnym od nazwy "gajim is a jabber instant messenger".
il nome gajim è un acronimo ricorsivo per "gajim's a jabber instant messenger".
songs from instant star two – ścieżka dźwiękowa drugiego sezonu serialu telewizyjnego "gwiazda od zaraz".
songs from instant star two è la colonna sonora della seconda stagione del telefilm canadese "instant star".
Łatwe do nauczenia się, przyjemne do gry i dające mnóstwo szans na duże wygrane - nasz doskonały wybór gier instant oferuje ci wiele godzin dobrej zabawy i sporo szans na wygrane.
senza dimenticare le grandi vincite che possono regalare!il nostro 'portfolio' di giochi istantanei potrà offrirti ore ed ore di divertimento e tantissime opportunità di vincita.
instant karma: the amnesty international campaign to save darfur – kompilacja utworów johna lennona wykonanych przez różnych artystów dla wsparcia kampanii amnesty international, której celem jest zażegnanie kryzysu w darfurze.
instant karma: the amnesty international campaign to save darfur è un album pubblicato da amnesty international con il fine di raccogliere fondi e di sensibilizzare la comunità internazionale sul problema della crisi in darfur.
" – 2:41# "do what you do" (moulding) – 1:16# "statue of liberty" – 2:55# "all along the watchtower" (bob dylan) – 5:43# "into the atom age" – 2:32# "i'll set myself on fire" (moulding) – 3:04# "i'm bugged" – 3:59# "new town animal in a furnished cage" – 1:53# "spinning top" – 2:40# "neon shuffle" – 4:37bonusowe utwory na cd:# "science friction" – 3:13# "she's so square" – 3:06# "dance band" (moulding) – 2:41# "hang on to the night" – 2:09# "heatwave" (moulding) – 2:12# "traffic light rock" – 1:40# "instant tunes" (moulding) – 2:34== skład ==* andy partridge - gitara, śpiew* colin moulding - gitara basowa, śpiew* barry andrews - steam piano, clapped out organs* terry chambers - perkusja
" (partridge) - 2:41#"do what you do" (moulding) - 1:16#"statue of liberty" (partridge) - 2:55#"all along the watchtower" (bob dylan) - 5:43lato b#"into the atom age" (partridge) – 2:32#"i'll set myself on fire" (moulding) – 3:04#"i'm bugged" (partridge) – 3:59#"new town animal in a furnished cage" (partridge) – 1:53#"spinning top" (partridge) – 2:40#"neon shuffle" (partridge) – 4:37cd bonus tracks#"science friction" (partridge) – 3:13#"she's so square" (partridge) – 3:06#"dance band" (moulding) – 2:41#"hang on to the night" (partridge) – 2:09#"heatwave" (moulding) – 2:12#"traffic light rock" (partridge) – 1:40#"instant tunes" (moulding) – 2:34