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standard test method for molecular weight averages and molecular weight distribution of polystirene by high performance size-exclusion chromatography.
standard test method for molecular weight averages and molecular weight distribution of polystyrene by high performance size-exclusion chromatography.
===aeroponics for space and earth===in 1998, stoner received nasa funding to develop a high performance aeroponic system for earth and space.
===aeroponics for space and earth===in 1998, stoner received nasa funding to develop a high performance aeroponic system for earth and space.
abstract: the purpose of the research conducted was to identify and demonstrate technologies for high-performance plant growth in a variety of gravitational environments.
abstract: the purpose of the research conducted was to identify and demonstrate technologies for high-performance plant growth in a variety of gravitational environments.
* module for tri-diagonal linear systems* high performance algorithms for reduction to condensed (hessenberg, tridiagonal, bidiagonal) form
* module for tri-diagonal linear systems* high performance algorithms for reduction to condensed (hessenberg, tridiagonal, bidiagonal) form* tridiagonal linear system solver in c++
* ip3022** ip3022 is ubicom's latest high performance 32bit processor running at 250 mhz featuring 8 hardware threads.
* ip3022** ip3022 is ubicom's latest high performance 32bit processor running at 250 mhz featuring 8 hardware threads (barrel processor).
también es una novedad el nuevo high performance divert (hpd) con tasas de rendimiento de hasta 3600 unidades por hora en el modo de flujo continuo.
the new high performance divert (hpd) with throughput rates of up to 3,600 units per hour in on-the-fly mode is another highlight.
astm d 5296-92, (1992). standard test method for molecular weight averages and molecular weight distribution of polystirene by high performance size-exclusion chromatography.
astm d 5296-92, (1992) standard test method for molecular weight averages and molecular weight distribution of polystyrene by high performance size-exclusion chromatography.
asimismo forma parte desde su creación en septiembre de 2004 de la red de excelencia europea hipeac (high-performance embedded architecture and compilation).
since its creation in september, 2004 it is also part of european hipeac (high-performance embedded architecture and compilation).
* high performance algorithms for reduction to condensed (hessenberg, tridiagonal, bidiagonal) form== véase también ==* matriz triangular
* high performance algorithms for reduction to condensed (hessenberg, tridiagonal, bidiagonal) form
el diseño del ingenio desarrollado por trla se basó enteramente en una arquitectura propietaria denominada ultra high performance vessel (uhpv) que fuera concebida originalmente en el marco del programa de exploración espacial de la nasa.
the capsule developed by trla was based entirely on their proprietary ultra high performance vessel (uhpv) architecture which was developed largely in the framework of the nasa space exploration program.
el fraunhofer institute for high-speed dynamics del instituto ernst mach, en friburgo, es bien conocido por su especialización en experimentos de impactos a hipervelocidad.
the fraunhofer institute for high-speed dynamics, ernst-mach-institut (emi), in freiburg, is well known for its expertise in performing hypervelocity impact experiments.