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"the use of advance organizers in the learning and retention of meaningful verbal material".
the use of advance organizers in the learning and retention of meaningful verbal material.
"* luisa capetillo labor activist capetillo was one of puerto rico's most famous labor organizers.
"* luisa capetillo labor activist" capetillo was one of puerto rico's most famous labor organizers.
festival organizers saw a need to move the festival outside of the downtown area since the festival-caused gridlock there was a contentious point in the community.
festival organizers saw a need to move the festival outside of the downtown area since the festival-caused gridlock there was a contentious point in the community.
yo necesitaba algo donde poner unas fotos que tenia guardadas y un lugar donde pudiera pegar mis notas y bocetos, quería comprar unos pizarrones para la oficina pero encontré este pedazo de pegboard en la calle y decidí reutilizarlo en mi casa.
i needed somewhere to put a few photos and to paste my notes and sketches, i wanted to buy some boards for the office but i found this piece of pegboard on the street and decided to reuse it in my house. i loved the idea so i don’t dirty the walls.
otro material que puedes usar en lugar del tablero perforado (pegboard), es madera contrachapada, pero tendrás que perforar algunos agujeros en cada lado para instalarlos en la pared.
another material that can be used instead of pegboard is plywood but you might have to drill some holes on each side to attach them to the wall.
#3: seabury http://stores.seaburyorganizers.net/-strse-spiral-organizers/categories.bok is ya no está disponible.
#3: seabury http://stores.seaburyorganizers.net/-strse-spiral-organizers/categories.bok is no longer available.