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el 14 de diciembre de 2007 es traspasado a detroit pistons junto a primoz brezec a cambio de nazr mohammed.
on december 14, 2007, herrmann, along with center primož brezec, was traded to the detroit pistons in exchange for center nazr mohammed.
== profesional ==fue elegido en la trigésimo novena posición del draft de la nba de 2009 por detroit pistons.
he was selected as a second round pick in the 2009 nba draft, 39th overall by the detroit pistons.
=== detroit pistons ===saunders llegó a detroit pistons sustituyendo a larry brown el 21 de julio de 2005.
===detroit pistons (nba)===saunders replaced larry brown as coach of the detroit pistons on july 21, 2005.