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en algunas ocasiones, sandman, estuvo acompañado en el ring por el wcw valet tylene buck.
on a number of occasions sandman was accompanied to the ring by former world championship wrestling (wcw) valet tylene buck.
además varios luchadores de la wcw, fueron entrevistados, sin dar reacciones sobre la venta de la wcw.
in addition, various wcw wrestlers were interviewed giving their honest, out-of-character responses to the selling of wcw.
the desperados were packaged with the gimmick of being three bumbling cowboys looking to meet up with stan hansen to go to wcw and become a team.
the desperados were packaged with the gimmick of being three bumbling cowboys looking to meet up with stan hansen to go to wcw and become a team.
en "fall brawl", guerrero derrotó a jericho, ganando el campeonato peso crucero de la wcw.
in the opening match of fall brawl 1997, guerrero defeated jericho to win the wcw world cruiserweight championship.
* 1997 - wcw vs. the world (playstation)=== desarrollados bajo aki corporation ===* 1997 - tactics formula (sega saturn) "lanzado sólo en japón".
* 1997 - "wcw vs. the world" (playstation)===developed under aki corporation===* 1997 - "tactics formula" (sega saturn) "released only in japan".