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yn eglwys crist , sef adeilad rhestredig , difrodwyd organ odidog a ffenestr wydr lliw unigryw
at christ church , which is a listed building , a magnificent organ and a unique stained glass window have been damaged
mae ceidwadwyr yn dathlu calan mai fel dydd thatcher , oherwydd daeth yr arweinyddes odidog honno i rym ym mai 1979
conservatives celebrate may day as thatcher day , because the glorious leader came into power in may 1979
a wnewch chi gefnogi cais i sefydlu canolfan barhaol i arddangos y trysor cenedlaethol hwn , sy'n enghraifft odidog o gelfyddyd a menter gymunedol ?
will you support the bid to establish a permanent centre to exhibit this national treasure , which is a glorious example of community art and enterprise ?
y prif ysgrifennydd : yr oedd yn beth da i militant gael ei drechu'n llwyr yn y blaid lafur ac yr wyf yn ddiolchgar i david am ddwyn i gof y funud odidog honno yn hanes y mudiad llafur
the first secretary : it was a good thing that militant was totally defeated in the labour party and i am grateful to david for recalling that proud moment in the labour movement's history
brian gibbons : oni chytunwch fod hynny wedi digwydd o dan lywodraeth odidog mrs thatcher a mr major yn yr 1980au a'r 1990au ? dyma bolisi ceidwadol ar waith , yn amlwg
brain gibbons : do you not agree that that occurred during the glorious regime of mrs thatcher and mr major in the 1980s and the 1990s ? this is conservative policy in practice , obviously
yn ogystal â gwerthfawrogi'r wlad hyfryd sydd yn gwneud y rhan odidog honno o gymru mor ddeniadol , dysgais fod hyd at 70 y cant o fusnes is-swyddfeydd post a siopau gwledig mewn pentrefi fel ponterwyd a chwmystwyth yn dibynnu ar ddosbarthu taliadau budd-dâl a phensiwn
as well as appreciating the handsome countryside that makes that glorious part of wales so attractive , i learnt that up to 70 per cent of rural sub-post offices and stores ' business in villages like ponterwyd and cwmystwyth depends on the distribution of benefits and pension payments