Results for mhatma gandhi translation from Afrikaans to English

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mahatma gandhi



Last Update: 2014-07-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


opstel oor mahatma gandhi


essay on mahatma gandhi

Last Update: 2020-03-27
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


om mahatma gandhi se woorde


to follow mahatma gandhi’s words,

Last Update: 2011-10-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


opstel oor mahatma gandhi in afrikaans


essay on mahatma gandhi in afrikaans

Last Update: 2019-01-31
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


come last update: 2014-08-11 subject: general usage frequency: 1 quality: translation with error reference: anonymous mahatma gandhi i choose mahatma gandhi as my favourite hero. the title “mahatma” means great soul. he became great by his nature and conduct. he had a faith in deeds, not in words. if he did some mistakes, he would pray to god that he should be saved from doing wrong. people thought of him as a perfect man. he was a man of truth, non-violence and simplicity. this was his way of life. his non-violence freedom struggle was called 'satyagraha'. he lived a simple life and gave up all his wealth. he was also brave and fought against the british using non violence. another strong virtue in him was forgiveness. he forgave his enemies. he tried to destroy his enemies by making friends with them. he loved them as his friends. he worked for the improvement of the needy. all his people called him 'the father of the nation'. we hardly find a man who is just as equal to him. i love him from the core of my heart. indeed he is my favorite hero. ek hoop u goet! slaap ouma better vandat oupa nie snorke nie?


mahatma gandhi i choose mahatma gandhi as my favourite hero. the title “mahatma” means great soul. he became great by his nature and conduct. he had a faith in deeds, not in words. if he did some mistakes, he would pray to god that he should be saved from doing wrong. people thought of him as a perfect man. he was a man of truth, non-violence and simplicity. this was his way of life. his non-violence freedom struggle was called 'satyagraha'. he lived a simple life and gave up all his wealth. he was also brave and fought against the british using non violence. another strong virtue in him was forgiveness. he forgave his enemies. he tried to destroy his enemies by making friends with them. he loved them as his friends. he worked for the improvement of the needy. all his people called him 'the father of the nation'. we hardly find a man who is just as equal to him. i love him from the core of my heart. indeed he is my favorite hero. ek hoop u goet! slaap ouma better vandat oupa nie snorke nie?

Last Update: 2014-08-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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