Results for cylinders translation from Arabic to English

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during the attack, gas cylinders were fired and the school was used as a base to attack the police.


during the attack, gas cylinders were fired and the school was used as a base to attack the police.

Last Update: 2013-02-19
Usage Frequency: 2


information was also received on the use of gas cylinders launched against the civilian population in san miguel (putumayo) and in various municipalities in nariño, gravely wounding civilians and causing material damage to homes.


information was also received on the use of gas cylinders launched against the civilian population in san miguel (putumayo) and in various municipalities in nariño, gravely wounding civilians and causing material damage to homes.

Last Update: 2013-02-19
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Alqasemy2006


"1 انظر، على سبيل المثال، المنشوران cga s-1.2-2003 "pressure relief device standards - part 2 - cargo and portable tanks for compressed gases " وs-1.1-2003 "pressure relief device standards - part 1 - cylinders for compressed gases ". ".


"1 see for example cga publications s-1.2-2003 "pressure relief device standards - part 2 - cargo and portable tanks for compressed gases " and s-1.1-2003 "pressure relief device standards - part 1 - cylinders for compressed gases ". ".

Last Update: 2016-12-01
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Alqasemy2006
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