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unfortunately, many allegations of torture received by the public prosecutor have not been adequately investigated.
unfortunately, many allegations of torture received by the public prosecutor have not been adequately investigated.
france: deaths during forcible deportation from roissy must be fully and impartially investigated, .
france: deaths during forcible deportation from roissy must be fully and impartially investigated, .
they have been detained and are investigated in accordance with the law for terrorist activities disrupting security and stability in connection with explosions, destructions and committing crimes.
they have been detained and are investigated in accordance with the law for terrorist activities disrupting security and stability in connection with explosions, destructions and committing crimes.
the special rapporteur spoke to a number of detainees who had not complained because they feared reprisals and did not think that their complaint would be investigated in an independent manner.
the special rapporteur spoke to a number of detainees who had not complained because they feared reprisals and did not think that their complaint would be investigated in an independent manner.
3 in 2006, hrc received 482 complaints of which 78 (representing a percentage of 16.2) where investigated and concluded.
in 2006, hrc received 482 complaints of which 78 (representing a percentage of 16.2) where investigated and concluded.
he further stated that “up to 1 november 2,927 persons have been investigated and 2,836 of them have been released, with 91 persons remaining in custody.
he further stated that “up to 1 november 2,927 persons have been investigated and 2,836 of them have been released, with 91 persons remaining in custody.
for example, should an investigation by us or uk military police determine that an individual is criminally culpable in an attack on mnf, he is transferred to an iraqi criminal detention facility, where his case will be investigated by an iraqi investigating judge and his trial will be before the central criminal court of iraq.
for example, should an investigation by us or uk military police determine that an individual is criminally culpable in an attack on mnf, he is transferred to an iraqi criminal detention facility, where his case will be investigated by an iraqi investigating judge and his trial will be before the central criminal court of iraq.
) this study addressed the advanced micro morphological characterization of 3d surfaces of thin films based on composites of an organic matrix of poly methyl methacrylate and inorganic titanium dioxide nanocrystals. the films were prepared by spin coating of a series of solutions with increasing loading concentration of the nanocrystals, from 5 up to 40% by weight. the film surfaces were investigated by atomic force microscopy, and the resulting images were analyzed in detail to obtain a full qu
) this study addressed the advanced micro-morphological characterization of 3d surfaces of thin films based on composites of an organic matrix of poly methyl methacrylate and inorganic titanium dioxide nanocrystals. the films were prepared by spin coating of a series of solutions with increasing loading concentration of the nanocrystals, from 5 up to 40% by weight. the film surfaces were investigated by atomic force microscopy, and the resulting images were analyzed in detail to obtain a full qu
Last Update: 2022-07-28
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