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Широкообхватна (doncaster - sheffield)
(doncaster - sheffield)
Last Update: 2014-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1
proceedings of a colloquium held at the university of sheffield in april 1986".
mytilopsis leucophaeata is a species of small bivalve mollusc in the false mussel family, dreissenidae.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
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Докладчик: г-н peter moore, член на Градския съвет на sheffield,
rapporteur: peter moore (member of sheffield city council, uk/alde)
Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1
Добър пример е развитието в северната част на Англия -(manchester, liverpool, leeds, sheffield, newcastle и york), инициатива „отдолу-нагоре“, наречена northern way („Северният път“).
a good example of this is the development in the north of england (manchester, liverpool, leeds, sheffield, newcastle and york), a bottom-up initiative called northern way.
Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1