Results for 成成推进 面面俱到 translation from Chinese (Simplified) to English

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Chinese (Simplified)



Chinese (Simplified)



the examples provided in the following paragraphs may be taken as guidance on the ways in which article 3 applies to other rights in the covenant, but are not intended to be exhaustive.

Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 3

Chinese (Simplified)

拟定的多数标准可以说是有正当理由的,但是有人担心,太多标准可能不容易专心了解方案的独特目标,试图 "面面俱到 "反而可能削弱总体标准的影响。


while most can be defensible, there is concern that too many criteria may prove distracting in understanding the unique objectives of the programme and may lessen the impact of the criteria overall by trying to "touch all the hot buttons ".

Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 1

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Chinese (Simplified)



they are neither intended to be exhaustive nor to preclude further development, provided it is in harmony with their underlying objectives and principles.

Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 4

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