From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
when the computer management console is displayed, select system tools, and then event viewer.
Last Update: 2006-12-18
Usage Frequency: 7
在 windows 2000、windows xp 和 windows server 2003 中可在“计算机管理控制台”中找到“事件查看器”。
the event viewer is found in the computer management console on windows 2000, windows xp and windows server 2003.
Last Update: 2006-12-18
Usage Frequency: 5
使用 pushinstall 功能,diskeeper administrator edition 能够同时将 diskeeper professional edition 或 diskeeper server standard edition 从一个作为管理控制台的单一计算机上安装到网络上的众多计算机上。
using the push install feature, diskeeper administrator edition can install diskeeper professional edition or diskeeper server standard edition simultaneously to multiple computers on a network from a single machine acting as an administrative console.
Last Update: 2006-11-24
Usage Frequency: 5