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關於 microsoft office communicator
about microsoft office communicator
Last Update: 2006-09-06
Usage Frequency: 1
关于 microsoft office communicator
about microsoft office communicator
Last Update: 2006-09-06
Usage Frequency: 1
microsoft office
microsoft office
Last Update: 2016-12-03
Usage Frequency: 4
此外,microsoft office suite等标准台式计算机软件的升级版本经常是为最新的操作系统(例如windows 2000或xp)或这些系统的前一个版本设计的。
in addition, upgraded versions of standard desktop software such as microsoft office suite are generally designed only to function on the latest operating system (windows 2000 or xp, for example), or the version immediately preceding it.
此选项可指定 tidy 是否要剥除 html 中的冗余描述标签和属性, 并用适当的样式规则和结构标记替换它们。 这对 microsoft office 产生的 html 文档同样有效 。
this option specifies if tidy should strip out surplus presentational tags and attributes replacing them by style rules and structural markup as appropriate. it works well on the html saved by microsoft office products.
这些文件可以在联合国网络以外和移动设备上查阅,并可纳入windows explorer和microsoft office。
documents will be available outside the united nations network and on mobile devices and offer integration with windows explorer and microsoft office.