Results for kukavica translation from Croatian to English

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common cuckoo

Last Update: 2012-03-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


ne budi kukavica


don't be a chicken

Last Update: 2021-03-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


postalo je gadno , a ja sam pomalo kukavica .


it turned nasty , and i 'm a bit of a chicken .

Last Update: 2013-01-10
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ovdje je arum , pjegasti kozlac , gospodari i dame , kukavica-pinta u ovoj zemlji .


here 's arum , arum maculatum , " lords and ladies , " or " cuckoo-pint " in this country .

Last Update: 2013-01-10
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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austrijski pisac peter handke, poznat po prosrpkim stajalištima glede sukoba u bivšoj jugoslaviji objavio je novu knjigu pod naslovom ptica kukavica iz velike hoče posvećenu srbima na kosovu.


austrian writer peter handke, known for his pro-serb views of the 1990s conflict in the former yugoslavia, published a book dedicated to the serbs in kosovo titled the cuckoo birds from velika hodja.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


na povratku za bjelovar iz v . grđevca , predvidjeli smo odlazak u sportsko rekreacijski centar kukavica , koji se nalazi u velikoj pisanici , udaljenoj 25 km od bjelovara .


when returning to bjelovar from v. grđ evac , we planned a visit to the sports and recreational center kukavica , wich is located in velika pisanica , 25 km from bjelovar .

Last Update: 2012-07-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ako želite samo igru i kreativne radionice na pitomim obroncima bilogore predlažemo posjet velikoj pisanici i obiteljskom gospodarstvu košutić , te igru i jahanje u sportsko - rekreacijskom centru kukavica koji se također nalazi u velikoj pisanici .


if your prefernce is just play and creative workshops on tamed slopes of bilogora , we suggest the visit of family farm koš utić in velika pisanica . if you prefer playing and riding then sports and recreational centre kukavica wich is also located in velika pisanica is the right choice for you .

Last Update: 2012-07-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


bez obzira na to što tko misli o gotovininoj ulozi u hrvatskom ratu za nezavisnost , ako je takav domoljub kao što mnogi tvrde , trebao bi se dobrovoljno predati tribunalu , a ne se kriti poput dvojice najprominentnijih kukavica , karadžića i mladića .


regardless of what one thinks about gotovina’ s role in croatia’ s war of independence , if he is the patriot that so many claim then he should surrender himself voluntarily to the tribunal and not behave like the two most prominent cowards , karadzic and mladic .

Last Update: 2012-07-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


gomile radosti i patnje tisuće pouzdanih religija , ideologija i ekonomskih doktrina , svaki lovac i tragač za hranom , svaki heroj i kukavica , svaki stvaraoc i razarač civilizacije , svaki kralj i seljak , svaki mladi zaljubljeni par , sve majke i očevi , nadobudna djeca , izumitelj i istraživač , svaki učitelj morala , svaki korumpirani političar , svaka " zvijezda " , svaki vrhunski vođa , svaki svetac i griješnik u povijesti naše vrste , živjeli su ondje , na čestici prašine , uzdignutoj zrakom sunca .


the aggregates of joy and suffering thousands of confident religions , ideologies and economic doctrines , every hunter and forager , every hero and coward , every creator and destroyer of civilization , every king and peasant , every young couple in love , every mother and father , hopeful child , inventor and explorer , every teacher of morals , every corrupt politician , every superstar , every supreme leader , every saint and sinner in the history of our species , lived there , on a mote of dust , suspended in a sunbeam .

Last Update: 2013-01-10
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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