Results for premašili translation from Croatian to English

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mislim da smo to u potpunosti ostvarili i premašili ciljeve.


i think that we have fully achieved that and more.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


osim toga, doprinosi država članica uzajamnom fondu nif-a premašili su 80 milijuna eur.


additionally, member states have contributed to the nif trust fund with more than eur 80 million.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


posljednje rekordne brojke koje govore da smo premašili naš cilj od 3 milijuna studenata programa erasmus svjedoče o trajnom uspjehu i popularnosti tog programa.


the latest record figures, showing that we have exceeded our target of 3 million erasmus students, are testament to the enduring success and popularity of the programme.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


"mi nismo jednostavno dosegnuli svoje limite, mi smo ih premašili" izjavio je glasnogovornik ciparske vlade christodoulos pashiardis.


"we have not simply reached our limits, we have surpassed them," said cypriot government spokesman christodoulos pashiardis.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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u toj su se skupini zapošljavanje i dodana vrijednost msp-ova u potpunosti oporavili i čak premašili razinu iz 2008., iako se stabilnost razvoja među državama razlikuje.


in this group, sme employment and value added have recovered fully and even surpassed 2008 levels, even though the robustness of these developments vary depending on the country.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


ovo objašnjava zašto je mmf inzistirao na uvođenju povećanog proračuna u bugarskoj - tekući deficiti su u posljednje vrijeme premašili 12 posto bdp-a, a odbor za valutu ne dozvoljava fluktuaciju tečaja.


this explains why the imf has insisted that bulgaria should run a surplus budget -- current account deficits have gone beyond 12 per cent of gdp lately and the currency board does not permit a fluctuation of the exchange rate.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


prema međunarodnom institutu za istraživanje mira iz stockholma ukupni vojni troškovi i turske i grčke premašili su 15 milijardi eura 2008. godine -- 8,7 milijardi, odnosno 7,2 milijardi eura.


according to the stockholm international peace research institute, the total military expenditures of both turkey and greece exceeded 15 billion euros in 2008 -- 8.7 billion euros and 7.2 billion euros, respectively.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


bugarska je 2007. godine i dalje bila, prije svega, tranzitna zemlja za narkotike i u manjoj mjeri proizvođač ilegalnih narkotika, uglavnom sintetičkih, koji su premašili heroin kao drogu koja je u najširoj uporabi u toj zemlji i također se koriste kao zamjena za kokain.


in 2007, bulgaria remained primarily a drug transit country and, to a lesser extent, a producer of illicit narcotics, mainly synthetics, which have overtaken heroin as the most widely used drugs in the country and are also used as a substitute for cocaine.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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