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prisen for en mobiltelefon og et sim-kort er ikke trafikafhængig og bør derfor ikke medregnes i en omkostningsmodel for engrostaletelefoniterminering.
the costs of the handset and the sim card are not traffic-related and should be excluded from any costing model for wholesale voice call termination services.
misbrug kan ogs vre forbundet med omfattende kb og videresalg af sim-kort til permanent anvendelse uden for det land, som den udstedende operatr er etableret i.
abuses could also be related to the mass purchase and resale of sim cards for permanent use outside the country of the operator issuing them.
disse chips anvendes i sim-kort til mobiltelefoner, bankkort, identitetskort og pas, betalings-tv-kort og diverse andre applikationer.
smart card chips are used in mobile telephone sim cards, bank cards, identity cards and passports, pay tv cards, and various other applications.
kunderne vil have ret til at forlade udbyderen i deres hjemland, når de rejser i udlandet, og bruge billigere roamingtjenester fra en lokal virksomhed eller en konkurrerende virksomhed i hjemlandet, uden at de skal skifte sim-kort.
a customer will have the right to leave their domestic operator when travelling and take cheaper roaming services from a local company or a rival company in the home country, without changing their sim card.
for at give kommissionen den fornødne garanti for, at der ikke bliver tale om konkurrencebegrænsning på markedet for mobiltelefoni, indvilgede parterne i at ophæve begrænsninger for sfr's salg af mobiltelefontjenester (sim-kort) uden for frankrig samt for mannesmanns og bt's salg af deres respektive nationale mobiltjenester (d2 og cellnet) i frankrig.
in order to meet the commission’s concernsregarding a possible restriction of competition in the mobile market, the parties agreed to suppressrestrictions on the sale of mobile telephony services by sfr (sim cards) outside france and by mannesmann and btof their respective national mobile services (d2 and cellnet) in france.