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Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 3
former for deltidsundervisning og arbejde oprettet af undervisningssystemet og anerkendte uddannelsescentre
the rva is a prototype for cooperation in the voca tional-training field between employers and unions, and over the last 10 years its role in this area has come to be vital to belgian industry.
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
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Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 6
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Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
i dette resultat er indregnet en overførsel på 1 25 mio fil oprettelsen af en særlig hensættelse og en overførsel på 50 mio til hensættelsen til generelle kreditinstitutrisici.
this figure takes account of a transfer of 1 25 million for the creation of specific provisions and a transfer of 50 million to the fund for general banking risks.
31 — med undtagelse af »formen for nyttiggørelse« —, 37 og 40.
i would also mention the cheese called 'saint george', which is unique in the world ; it is even unique in the region, since it can only be produced on the azore island of that name.