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set i sammenhæng med de faldende fiskebestande er bifangstproblemet endnu mere beklageligt.
in the context of declining fish stocks, the problem of by-catch is all the more regrettable.
Last Update: 2012-02-29
Usage Frequency: 2
hr. formand, få ting har symboliseret den fælles fiskeripolitiks fiasko mere end bifangstproblemet.
as yet, no nation has pledged to take a lead in proposing this initiative.given that the european union is a major fishing power, is the european commission therefore committed to taking a lead in proposing an international plan of action on by-catch reduction?
Last Update: 2008-03-04
Usage Frequency: 1
et andet punkt vedrørte faldende fiskebestande, hvorved bifangstproblemet bliver endnu mere beklageligt.
i should like to say, however, that, to my mind, so-called by-catch is, more than anything, a problem of civilisation.
Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 3
hr. formand, få ting har symboliseret den fælles fiskeripolitiks fiasko mere end bifangstproblemet.
. mr president, few things have come to symbolise the failure of the common fisheries policy more than the spectacle of by-catch.
Last Update: 2012-02-29
Usage Frequency: 2
for det første bifangstproblemet som et globalt problem og spørgsmålet om, at kommissionen sætter sig i spidsen.
the rules have been focused upon commercial species but, in the interests of the biosystems and of the commercial species'health, we must conserve and protect the non-commercial species too.
Last Update: 2008-03-04
Usage Frequency: 1
med fastsættelsen af en samlet fangstgrænse for sild inden for brislingefiskeriet er der ganske vist taget et vigtigt skridt med hensyn til begrænsningen af bifangstproblemet.
the establishment of an overall limit on herring catches when fishing for sprat was admittedly a significant step in the process of reducing by-catches.
Last Update: 2012-03-22
Usage Frequency: 5
jeg vil gentage, at jeg er enig med dem i, at bifangstproblemet er alvorligt, og at det er nødvendigt træffe foranstaltninger på både fællesskabsplan og internationalt plan for at løse det.
with regard to mrs stihler 's point on the watering down or otherwise, i can only repeat what i said to mrs attwooll.
Last Update: 2008-03-04
Usage Frequency: 1
der findes allerede en lang række bestemmelser om specifikke bifangstproblemer, som behandles i forskellige internationale aftaler og andre instrumenter, herunder stående internationale handlingsplaner.
as regards the racs, i would not exclude voluntary consultation of racs and redrafting the deployment plans, but i would not advise an obligatory inclusion of consultation of racs, at least at this juncture.
Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 3