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2811 migration indvandringskontrol indvandringsstop stop for indvandring migrationspolitik
mohammedanism use islam (2831) model, econometric — use economic model (1631) mixed farming mt 5627 cultivation of agricultural land bt1 cultivation system
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
den omstændighed, at direktivet hermed vil kunne have en betydning på området for indvandringskontrol, griber
the fact that the directive may thereby have an effect on immigration
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
men der findes forskellig lovgivning, beskatning, indvandringskontrol og alle mulige andre bestemmelser mel lem medlemsstaterne.
but, as of now there are significant differences in the law, the level of taxation, immigration controls and all sorts of other provisions as between individual member states.
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
personoplysningerne bruges f.eks. i forbindelse med indvandringskontrol og til bekæmpelse af "almindelig" kriminalitet.
for example, the pnr data are used in immigration control or in fighting 'ordinary' crime.
Last Update: 2012-02-29
Usage Frequency: 2
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vi læser i aviserne i dag, at kommissionen går ind for skærpet indvandringskontrol. det løser ikke de problemer, der møder vore sorte europæiske borgere
beyond these important goals, and in pursuit of longterm solutions, we should not forget that the best way to support a community immigration policy is through
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
man havde nemlig for en gangs skyld omhyggeligt undgået at sammenblande » racisme « og » indvandringskontrol «.
indeed, for once, the usual amalgam of 'racism ' and'control of immigration ' was carefully avoided.
Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5
vi bifalder lanceringen af en debat om den bedste måde at integrere vores indvandringskontrol, så vi lukker døren for ulovlig indvandring og samtidig beskytter dem, der med rette flygter fra undertrykkelse.
we welcome your commitment to push ahead on the justice and home affairs agenda.
Last Update: 2008-03-04
Usage Frequency: 1
det er således allerede blevet udtrykkeligt fastslået, at kravene om overholdelse af unionsborgernes ret til at færdes og opholde sig kan begrænse medlemsstaternes udøvelse af deres kompetencer 6, herunder navnlig deres kompetencer på området for indvandringskontrol 7.
5 it has thus been expressly ruled that requirements relating to compliance with union citizens’ right to freedom of movement and residence could constrain the member states’ exercise of their powers, 6 in particular those which they have in relation to immigration control.
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
kan formanden for rådet give os forsikring om. at den racistiske og sexistiske indvandringskontrol. der gennemføres af den britiske regering, ikke vil blive overtaget kollektivt af fællesskabets medlemsstater under det græske formandskab?
can the presidency of the council assure us that under the greek presidency the racist and sexist immigration controls operated by the british government will not be adopted collectively by the common market member states?
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
dets meddelelse af 2. og 3. februar 1994 fremkaldte en vidtgående debat om disse spørgsmål og navnlig tre hovedaspekter: indvandringspres, indvandringskontrol og en udbygning af foranstaltningerne til at integrere legale flygtninge.
its communication of 2 and 3 february 1994 provoked a far-reaching debate on these issues and in particular three key aspects: immigration pressures, immigration control and a stepping up of measures to integrate legal immigrants.
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
for at gøre det sværere at omgå den strenge indvandringskontrol kan der frem over kun udstedes opholdstilladelse til indvandreres familiemedlemmer efter ansøgning til det nationale indvandrerkontor (office national de l'immigration) før indrejsen til frankrig.
to make sure that strict immigration control policy is not by passed, applications for residence permits for members of an immigrant family must now be submitted for approval to the national immigration office before entry into france.
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
frem for alt kræver det, efterhånden som told- og indvandringskontrollen inden for unionen gradvis reduceres, et øget samarbejde at tage kampen op med narkotikasmuglerne ved unionens ydre grænser.
most of all, as customs and immigration control within the union are progressively reduced, increased cooperation will be required to confront the drug smugglers along the union's external frontiers.
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 6