Results for prevention of graft rejection translation from Danish to Maltese

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den europæiske unions tidende article 33 data protection , prevention of money laundering and related issues


il-Ġurnal uffiċjali ta » l-unjoni ewropea article 33 data protection , prevention of money laundering and related issues

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


eur 62 400 ( regulatory committee on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing )


eur 62 400 ( regulatory committee on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing )

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


negotiation of the regulation in the council and in the european parliament and participation in fatf work organisation of meetings of the regulatory committee on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing


negotiation of the regulation in the council and in the european parliament and participation in fatf work organisation of meetings of the regulatory committee on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


apc- forsøget (adenoma prevention with celecoxib) og presap- forsøget (prevention of spontaneous adenomatous polyps).


saru żewġ studji b’ celecoxib li kienu jinvolvu persuni b’ polipi adenomatużi sporadiċi, jiġifieri l- prova apc (prevenzjoni tal- adenomi b’ celecoxib) u l- prova presap (prevenzjoni tal - polipi adenomatużi spontanji).

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

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) tilpasset fra råd fra learning skills council og det britiske selskab for forebyggelse af ulykker, royal society for prevention of accidents (rospa).)


) adattati minn pariri tal-learning skills council (kunsill għall-kapaċitajiet ta' tagħlim) u r-royal society for prevention of accidents (rospa) (is-soċjetà rjali għallprevenzjoni ta' l-inċidenti).)

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


2007d0007 --- da --- 12.05.2010 --- 003.001 --- 20 ▼b article 33 data protection , prevention of money laundering and related issues 1 .


article 33 data protection , prevention of money laundering and related issues 1 .

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


dette underpunkt finder kun anvendelse, når det er hensigten at gennemføre bulktransport i henhold til følgende imo-instrumenter: bilag ii til konventionen af 1973 om forebyggelse af forurening fra skibe (convention for the prevention of pollution from ships), som ændret ved protokollen af 1978 (marpol 73/78) [11] og koden for konstruktion og aptering af skibe til bulktransport af farlige kemikalier (code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk) (kemikaliekoden) (ibc-koden) [12].


din is-subtaqsima tapplika biss meta l-merkanzija tkun maħsuba li tinġarr fil-massa skont l-istrumenti tal-organizzazzjoni internazzjonali marittima (imo) li ġejjin: l-anness ii tal-konvenzjoni internazzjonali għall-prevenzjoni tat-tniġġis mill-bastimenti, 1973, kif mibdula mill-protokoll tal-1978 relatat magħha (marpol 73/78) [11] u l-kodiċi internazzjonali għall-bini u t-tagħmir tal-bastimenti li jġorru kimiki perikolużi fil-massa (kodiċi kimika internazzjonali fil-massa) (kodiċi ibc) [12].

Last Update: 2014-11-10
Usage Frequency: 1

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