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who fabricated another god with god ; toss him into the intense agony . ”
« ያንን ከአላህ ጋር ሌላን አምላክ ያደረገውን በብርቱ ቅጣት ውስጥ ጣሉት ፤ » ( ይባላል ) ፡ ፡
Last Update: 2014-07-02
Usage Frequency: 1
is it not that whenever they make a covenant , some of them toss it aside ? in fact , most of them do not believe .
ቃል ኪዳንንም ቃል በገቡ ቁጥር ከእነርሱ ከፊሉ ይጥለዋልን ? ( ያፈርሰዋልን ? ) ፤ ይልቁንም አብዛኞቻቸው አያምኑም ፡ ፡
Last Update: 2014-07-02
Usage Frequency: 1