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the basel ii capital adequacy requirements will reinforce this trend.
Last Update: 2016-12-04
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restrictions on leverage, with automatic countercyclical capital adequacy and/or provisioning requirements, are needed.
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by 2004, all banks were complying with the capital adequacy ratio.
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such regulations include capital adequacy norms and liquidity requirements, and are usually administered by a specialized financial regulator.
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the impact of this re-classification on banks and insurance companies was a reduction of capital with serious implications on capital adequacy requirements.
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capital adequacy ratios of banks in the region are well above the international standard of 8 per cent.
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entry/operating requirements (capital adequacy, solvency margins, requirements for reserves, asset-quality, business operating plans);
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72. among regulatory initiatives, countries have begun to implement preparations for a revised capital adequacy framework.
72. 在各种监管举措中,各国已开始着手准备采用一种修订过的资本充足框架。
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these are managed by approved trustees who meet stringent criteria relating to capital adequacy, financial soundness and qualifications.
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capital adequacy requirements for mfis should be adjusted according to the size and level of risk posed by the enterprise, so as to be neither so high as to impede the business nor so low that they fail to take due account of risk.
47. 对小额金融机构的资本充裕要求应根据企业的规模和所造成的风险加以调整,使其既不至于高到妨碍业务,又不至于低到企业不能适当承受风险。
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advisory and training materials on regulatory issues affecting commodity and trade finance, in particular the new basel capital adequacy accord for banks;
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in many cases, it could be more important to first address deficiencies in existing supervisory and capital adequacy frameworks with appropriate assistance from the international community.
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24. there is a concern that, by generally raising the cost of lending, the basel capital adequacy rules may have the effect of limiting riskier lending.
23. 有人担心,一旦普遍提高贷款成本,巴塞尔资本充足性规定可能起限制风险较高贷款的效果。
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at the international level, the international association of insurance supervisors introduced follow-up measures on the insurance core principles covering capital adequacy and enterprise risk management.
在国际层面,国际保险监督官协会对涵盖资本充足率和企业风险管理问题的 "保险业核心原则 "实施了后续措施。
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62. basel ii replaces the 1988 basel capital accord (basel i). it is an agreement on a framework for assessing the capital adequacy of banks.
63. 《巴塞尔第二号协议》取代1988年《巴塞尔资本协议》(巴塞尔第一号协议)。
Last Update: 2016-12-04
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also, much attention continued to be paid to several important regulatory initiatives, including preparations for the implementation of a revised capital adequacy framework (basel ii).
Last Update: 2016-12-03
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furthermore, emerging international banking capital adequacy regulations (basel ii), make the credit risks rating of potential borrowers a condition for their access to bank loans.
65. 此外,新出现的国际银行资本充足性规定,又称《巴塞尔二号协定》,使潜在借贷方的信贷风险评级成为获取银行贷款的一个条件。
Last Update: 2016-12-03
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35. the large-scale use of unregulated, unsupervised over-the-counter derivatives has resulted in undue complexity, opacity and mispricing of these instruments, and has facilitated the evading of meeting capital adequacy requirements by financial institutions.
35. 大规模利用没有监管和监督的场外交易衍生物,导致这些工具格外复杂、不透明和定价不当,并方便了金融机构逃避达到资本充足率的要求。
Last Update: 2016-12-04
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however, for many developing countries, moving to the new accord may not be as important as addressing deficiencies in existing supervisory, capital adequacy and loan-loss provisioning frameworks with appropriate assistance from the international community.11
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although portfolio losses do not carry the risk of destabilizing the international financial system, there is nevertheless a need for transparency in investment activity, especially in the case of hedge funds; there is also a need for stronger capital adequacy regulations for investment banks and institutional investors.
Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 1