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without disturbing social optimality, this subsidy can be financed through a flat tax; a tax proportional, to the return on investment is least costly.
we currently have a situation where there is one veto in the international monetary fund and five vetoes in the security council without any kind of countervailing power vested in other countries to bring a measure of optimality into the decision-making.
30. the first problem is that it makes it possible to study the conditions for stabilizing a given debt-to-gnp ratio, but it does not say anything about the optimality of that particular ratio.
30. 第一个问题是,它能够研究哪些条件可以稳定某一个债务与国产总值的比率,但是只字不提这个特别的比率是否最佳。
first, it is not solidly based on any well-specified definition of sustainability, and it mostly focuses on stabilizing a particular debt-to-gdp ratio but does not say anything about the optimality of that ratio.