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richard post, a paraplegic in a wheelchair, was reportedly detained at madison street jail in arizona since march 1996.
462. 据报里查德·波斯特是一名坐轮椅的下身瘫痪者,自1996年3月以来他一直被关押在亚利桑那州麦迪逊大街监狱。
Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 1
eric johnson was reportedly subjected to excessive use of force by officers of the central intake at madison street jail, arizona, in november 1994.
456. 据报,阿里克·约翰逊1994年11月在亚利桑那州麦迪逊大街监狱中心接收站受到警察暴力。
Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 1
bart davis was allegedly assaulted by detention officers in may 1995, for smoking a cigarette in the central intake area at madison street jail, arizona.
461. 据称巴特·戴维斯1995年5月在亚利桑那州麦迪逊大街监狱中心接收站因抽烟遭到拘留人员殴打。
Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 1
david hoyle was allegedly kicked, beaten and repeatedly stunned by officers of the central intake at madison street jail, arizona, in november 1994.
457. 据报,大卫·霍勒1994年11月在亚利桑那州迈迪逊大街监狱的中央接收站遭警察一再踢踹、殴打并被打昏。
Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 1
david dalbec allegedly sustained a broken nose and other injuries after being thrown against a wall for falling asleep during processing at the central intake of madison street jail, arizona, in february 1995.
459. 据指称大卫·达贝克1995年2月在亚利桑那州麦迪逊大街监狱中心接收站因办理手续时睡着了而被朝墙上推撞,结果造成鼻梁断裂和其他地方受伤。
Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 1
scott norberg, an inmate at madison street jail in arizona, reportedly died in prison on 1 june 1996 as a result of asphyxia, when detention officers who had intervened because of his alleged disruptive behaviour tried to overcome his resistance.
463. 据报,亚利桑那州麦迪逊大街监狱的一名囚犯斯格特·诺勒格1996年6月因窒息而死亡,其原因是看守人员对据称他的捣乱行为加以干预并力图制服他而遭到反抗造成的。
Last Update: 2016-12-04
Usage Frequency: 1
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