From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
friberg, l., kjellstrom, t., nordberg, g. and piscator, m. cadmium in the environment.
friberg, l., kjellstrom, t., nordberg, g. et piscator, m. cadmium in the environment.
Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1
kjellstrom, t. and nordberg, g.f. a kinetic model of cadmium metabolism in the human being.
kjellstrom, t. et nordberg, g.f. a kinetic model of cadmium metabolism in the human being.
Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1
friberg, l., piscator, m., nordberg, g.f. and kjellstrom, t. cadmium in the environment.
hall, k.j. et fletcher, k. trace metal pollution from a metropolitan area: sources and accumulation in the lower fraser river and estuary.
Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1
8.friberg, l., piscator, m., nordberg, g.f. and kjellstrom, t.cadmium in the environment.
friberg, l., piscator, m., nordberg, g.f. et kjellstrom, t. cadmium in the environment.
Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1
elinder, c.g., kjellstrom, t. and friberg, l. cadmium in kidney cortex, liver, and pancreas from swedish autopsies.
elinder, c.g., kjellstrom, t. et friberg, l. cadmium in kidney cortex, liver, and pancreas from swedish autopsies.
Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1
nicotine and tar inhaled from smoking appear to interact synergistically with other chemical exposures, to produce a large negative effect on health (kjellstrom and rosenstock, 1990).
la nicotine et le goudron absorbés par un fumeur semblent se conjuguer avec d'autres produits chimiques auxquels il est exposé pour produire un important effet négatif sur la santé (kjellström et rosenstock, 1990).
Last Update: 2016-09-30
Usage Frequency: 1
corvalán c, briggs d, kjellstrom t. development of environmental health indicators. in briggs d, corvalán c, nurminen m (eds.), linkage methods for environment and health analysis.
corvalán, c., briggs, d. et kjellstrom, t. development of environmental health indicators, dans d. briggs, c. corvalán et m. nurminen (rédacteurs), linkage methods for environment and health analysis, genève, suisse, organisation mondiale de la santé, 1996.
Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1