From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
how much do you trust certifications made by %1 to correctly verify authenticity of certificates?
canto confía nas certificacións feitas por% 1 para que comproben correctamente a autenticidade dos certificados? @ info
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
in this page you need to describe how much do you know about the desktop and the application state before it crashed.
@ info/ rich
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
this combo box lists all the secret keys you have in your keyring. select the one you want to use for encryption when saving to a file.
esta lista despregábel enumera todas as chaves segredas que ten no seu claviculario. escolla a que desexa empregar para gardar nun ficheiro.
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
when using the file renamer your files will be renamed to the values that you have in your track's %1 tag, plus any additional text that you specify below.
cando use a mudanza de ficheiros os seus ficheiros mudarán o nome para os valores que ten na etiqueta de pista% 1, ademais de calquera texto adicional que especifique aquí en baixo.
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
widgets you have in your desktop and panels (both official and unofficial), desktop settings (wallpaper plugin, themes), activities, and dashboard configuration.
@ info examples about information the user can provide
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
to the right of the search field you should be able to see a drop-down list of options such as ``current folder,'' ``current account,'' and ``all accounts.'' by default, \application{evolution} will use the ``current folder'' option and will only show you results within the folder you've got selected in the folder list on your left. if you choose the ``current account'' option, \application{evolution} will search for messages in all folders within the current email account \dash such as all the folders ``on this computer'' or in your \acronym{imap} folders, depending on your email setup. if you have multiple email accounts added to \application{evolution}, choosing the ``all accounts'' option lets you search for messages in all of your accounts.
Á dereita do campo de busca debería ver unha lista despregábel de opcións como «cartafol actual», «conta actual», e «todas as contas». de modo predeterminado, o \application{evolution} usará a opción do cartafol actual e só mostrará resultados dentro do cartafol que teña seleccionado na lista de cartafoles do lado esquerdo. se escolle a opción «conta actual», \application{evolution} buscará mensaxes en todos os cartafoles dentro do correo electrónico da conta actual \dash así como en todos os cartafoles «neste computador» ou nos seus cartafoles \acronym{imap}, segundo sexa a súa configuración de correo. se ten múltiples contas de correo electrónico no \application{evolution}, escoller a opción «todas as contas» permite que busque por mensaxes en todas as súas contas.
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