From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
what do you like to do
kya like krte ho aap
Last Update: 2018-04-10
Usage Frequency: 1
what do you like to do ?
तम्हे क्या करना अच्छा लगता है ?
Last Update: 2024-03-19
Usage Frequency: 3
so what do you like to do
Last Update: 2020-09-17
Usage Frequency: 1
what do you usually like to do
आप आमतौर पर क्या करते हैं
Last Update: 2023-06-19
Usage Frequency: 1
what do you usually like to do ?
बात करना और घूमना
Last Update: 2023-06-01
Usage Frequency: 1
what do you like to do on the day
what do you like to do on the day
Last Update: 2020-10-21
Usage Frequency: 1
what do you like to do when you are free
जब आप फ्री होते हैं तो आप क्या करना पसंद करते हैं?
Last Update: 2021-10-02
Usage Frequency: 1
what do you like to do when you go out?
आप अपने खाली समय में क्या करना पसंद करते हैं
Last Update: 2023-11-24
Usage Frequency: 1
i understand. so what do you like to do?
तो आप क्या समझते हैं
Last Update: 2024-06-18
Usage Frequency: 1
what do you like to do after you get back to home
what do you like to do after you get back to home
Last Update: 2021-05-23
Usage Frequency: 1
let's bring along with me mother i am we'll call places in those racket at splendid mister stanley splendid five hundred of the just about right now here's your contract does iraq that act and get back there's going to be an assistant director have solo playing by deals going along with me a little all places unless racket and line on steinman yuan is your receipt recruitment and hour endured the statute in next month help make your work and that didn't go to the you just bring along with me anne followed a week in activity with the studio parted with assistant directors no money for summary there can be inevitable dissatisfaction last fully convinced the becker meant to be brought as many assistant one of the victims reported to the bomb caused by the police department under ten and so on if you've got something you think ought to be investigated yes sir i didn't want to say anything about the plot but several things that happened that make me think something's wrong may be a better tell me all about the case in the first place my husband and an ad in one of the newspaper several weeks ago just what kind of a minute well here it is i kept a copy of it business opportunities wanted assistant director story small investment secured returnable and right about this wonderful you have sure these things or fixed no legitimate studio ever advertises this work besides you don't have to buy a job in hollywood or anywhere else but my husband had put up two hundred dollars to get his job how much was the seller forty dollars a week i think g collected regularly know that's the point that's why i thought something was wrong he hasn't collected it mister becker tell them that this out it would stop when he started work on a picture but they haven't started i was supposed to work on the picket your husband i have notion mister becker did and best of fifty dollars myself your husband others now and it was a good idea telling well i didn't want to worry about my not working too on mister becker doesn't know were married to each other a lot of you've been waiting for this time almost a month now i've got to see mister becker last week they wouldn't seem adventure if your phone and yesterday secretary said he was off yeah your procedure when you see i was afraid to let mister becker think i was mad because of what he might do to my husband and you have any other troubled places well when i went in to see in the first time he asked me if you question when you try to get section i can uh... never did get detail after that instructor and on the phone you think there's any chance of getting my money back about one chance and the two thousand simply go to your husband you take my advice to tell them all about this dylan to start looking for another boss as one he's got is going to jail next morning mark three studios cuban-american numbers but obviously suburban visible until now one and so on i'd like to see the man who runs this place you mean it's a decade whether or not we headed just says she's somebody here at the studio but that their well this year add i could get out of the paper this morning you what i mean if they've been directed well i don't know about that but i am looking for a job in anything do your hand able to qualified for the job well i haven't had much experience but i'm willing to learn you know that not only that but i mean it i think the eerie investment product all that sure i can do that all right here do you think a couple of thousand of enough couple island yes of abdullah brought with me this morning maybe i could raise a little more of a new multi i think i'd be quite adequate i think that we have to decorate the about what i'm sure i'll be right back nogales or don't worry on rockingham part of a guided missile man acknowledge i couldn't tell you that we did and i'll stop us together like that that you have is a kidnapping felony today came to know what my citizens that at them and evening while a lot about he'd gotten money walked out cute thousand dollars too dot abadi standing up for two thousand dollars they may get what you need a quick browsing dot underneath that much money main domains that our message out water thinkers file your written statement becoming a fifth director items one very much so that is if the investment isn't too steep i don't know but we do go study while we have in the world and four thousand dollar for fun expect that and he'll say that that he'll say at the thought of the investment schemes and i think that that we're not really interested in that it's just the guarantee of good faith more than anything right-wing and have you had any experience in pictures not out here in california my work was on a stock buy back home below but there was a movie company came through it once mineral roswell park for me they came here i was a uh... extra all alright amanda how long have you been available at or just a short time we decided to take our chances with the other nine hundred ninety ninety two now the invention of not being a new no act not getting back to beat up we have a large studio here working day and i we need another system direct and so far admitted anyone i can recommend for the job or i give my right eye almost for this opportunity company mister sloan un press me very favorable is very favorably you come back after lunch with the uh... two thousand dollars and we'll go into the debate and we may be able to get together on this correction i don't know exactly what they say mister becker i'm sort of moral rats alright mama why that's alright and your money a site it secured unreasonable in three months provided you will be in your end of the contract weblog do my best mister becker is i'm sure you live illustrate along with me my boy annual golf are in this racket racket aca at the figure of speech but what does the bigger state with all of the money yet well uh... one or start to work with the bag like today right now when you paid over the build-up where a lot better for you this afternoon dependent upon return to the boardroom rewarded with a very rough terrain referred to by ten point two thousand dollars armed with his return to the studio over preparation have been made to impress the new assistant director now you all know what to do disbarred as to what i was in botulinum and he's got dome all when i came from i can get my hands on that were all out mail point your honor how he's doing about two minutes ago at all that i have a product management they and amanda here comes i cannot accept more more jobs ever loved hui able holdout rep like your caterpillar's somebody thank of what we've gotten together thank them up and laptops for their future greta u turf u you talk of mine you've given my heart is great more like a month's time this holy book the mother day and most powerful envelope next meeting the needs patch on what you after all my human holy book first these on makes you think but the and founded a paying people hold armada lamee'a you'll do something with it newark ca nine refute won't even the who and no i don't need to and millie and even and he will uh... ustinov whom on the mark it lol if he's only put the loops papers bookkeeping square if you ask me rides they both reviews local the i long for the open really the plea that the all you the all holding where the anecdotal roles all sp outlet hardest not that holding it you're almost as format it into your life i didn't mean to interrupt all not at all about the bulk of my knee and come right in nato wire uh... euler moments dot pol pot norville delivered-to hold for you arguable alone or yet yeah sure on the world nimish able yet at ms dietrich map that this is what people and you would holland a higher ma'am the thirteen nine fifty at that capable of it you've been out here along with the pic x wings of the mister disney are you interested in pictures too on and pete too and line we are i'm sorry i mean well that's right now cody partner armed camp david category marty rewrite that they have the realm deteriorated are there we're going to be dancing to blurred around here here's our god or directed what reviewed on this may disagree with it it did not see that yet mad right and that's right you should at parts you are seeing a lot of pictures mr mayor had seoul where lava made entity as a matter of fact we're going to start shooting today on a new picture appeared it's got music film is this one we've got an exclusive contract with one of the leading act on the radio gimme under saddle them it why don't we take mister small note to the wretched let him get started with this my except that blanket in all let's all go morning mister becker my name is back at one of the tobacco money monica bought a good morning everybody everything that i yes with the body of mr dot yes mister bacteria and that's what they want and the one that gets going acquitted budget remoteness or ride where the apartment sa friday cats but it was that about anybody's in the fat outside of tobacco all they have a great idea mister becker you know i i heard rolling it in he and let us blended reprogram afghan-trained uh... texture out west out of class acted like it or else plant small south again attacked by man on c_ and you know a couple baylor picket you arent because you are which that and mine as well paradigm in bangalore that'll be plenty are just as one what were urine assistant director you know were who were always our problem for them of light by their insistence to if they put in two thousand dollars to why uh... no no not quite they're not such a big girl investors and you are just too slow aria i get it um bom agar on down the road and stop private when we give you no signal places that might buy a on explain the same day in uganda and provided saddam elmo item from this morning you lean back against only along came late improbable and make yourself around the two um and when i say you know it's not just on knowledge editorial off-campus uncle for all of the we have uh... earth we've had it updated is that it was worth it ever go over everything outbid done rounded up bread let's celebrate ever sold therefore at go on eleven homeland the understand that the enrollment alkaline that blood had long hair and manhandle demands are met him live long and is back at the moment online and and and hong kong was gone minimum and alive bottom-line and involving outlawed and they may not have a haha uh... and on time and and and and and i have involving come on iron and iron powder out of the sky need them and them then animal hamburger at the moment balboa pa song home home milestone mom did not have involving upon and and dot com dot at cisco or is that sort of thing that makes the old whereas watch used to be at that time promo exp dating back home looks like rain here crying because that that there would be a game can only attend clientele withrow what he said expression is you know with all that about it was that orders to replace secondly coated with sand and your isn't that a the and on a denial the exploring rather than a monologue studio still fourteen upon more off but the big city he walked into the oval office in time your conversation come into the open door records office okay fine her that really wine big tomorrow at the capitol here's a couple of a build all thank you don't like that my grandmother print more money you stick with maintaining and grandma they are scheduled for monday if i'm up for you to be just the secretarial field in indiana but by the way are you going to make love on the screen if you don't get little practice with herbal e-ticket i'd rather not talk about that you like me just a little bit not given apache sleep i'm not going out there come on the good conversation about automatic chapter how did you get a good kirker apart at the door open but got it i'm sad anyway to talk to an assistant effect journalist director you are just on these officer du record police you ever hear of input you pick a couple crosstalk katie's record how many assistant directors because around here just one about five yesterday that's a lot we keep the money is for the report that i don't know what you're talking about we've got to pay those extra proposing a star you can talk to me that's why i said so if you got any contracts around here i know what happened because i thought why you've really been cleaning up around the answer hum along party you're going to the station alright pelvic i have many factors that and initiate that's alright the state of california is going to be doable long time where you're going to change don't matter in just a moment maturity david friends some motorists are just as the level of bulb jane pretty young life when it comes to investing their hard earned money and gasoline the result is there a poem called out of the maximum efficiency and economical transportation they might have enjoyed indicates a real man the crack to ever you have this reassuring knowledge that police apologies already have investigated and tested this vote if you will atrial ban the practice the overwhelming towards the city and county officials this great gasoline-powered more public serving police cars ambulances fire engines of the automotive equipment california state and federal governments wherever this old than any other brian we invite you to to investigate and make your own tests says tens of thousands
ustinov जिसे निशान पर यह lol अगर वह केवल loops रखा है कागजात बहीखाता वर्ग अगर आप मुझसे पूछें वे दोनों स्थानीय समीक्षाएँ सवारी मैं खुले वास्तव में लंबे समय के लिए दलील है कि आप सभी पकड़े हुए जहां anecdotal भूमिकाओं सभी सपा आउटलेट नहीं है कि सबसे मुश्किल इसे धारण आप प्रारूप के रूप में लगभग यह कर रहे हैं अपने जीवन में मैं बिल्कुल नहीं दखल मतलब नहीं था मेरे घुटने के थोक के बारे में और आने के नाटो के तार में सही उह ... यूलर क्षणों डॉट पोल पॉट वितरित करने norville आप के लिए पकड़ अकेले arguable या अभी तक दुनिया पर यकीन हाँ करने में सक्षम निमिश एमएस dietrich नक्शे पर अभी तक है कि यह क्या लोगों को और आप हॉलैंड एक उच्च महोदया 1309 पचास उस पर यह करने में सक्षम आप यहाँ तस्वीर के साथ साथ बाहर गया है श्रीमान की एक्स पंख डिज्नी आप चित्र में भी रुचि पर और भी पीट और लाइन हम कर रहे हैं मैं माफी चाहता हूँ मैं अच्छी तरह से मतलब है कि अब सही है cody साथी सशस्त्र शिविर डेविड श्रेणी मार्टी फिर से लिखना है कि वे दायरे खराब कर रहे हैं वहाँ हम करने के लिए blurred नाच हो जा रहे हैं यहां आस - पास यहाँ हमारे देवता है या निर्देश क्या समीक्षा इसके साथ इस पर सहमत नहीं हो सकता है यह है कि अभी तक पागल सही नहीं देख सकते हैं और यह सही है आप के भागों में हो जाना चाहिए देखकर तस्वीर श्री महापौर का एक बहुत कुछ था सियोल जहां लावा इकाई बनाया असल में हम शूटिंग आज शुरू पर जा रहे हैं नई तस्वीर दिखाई संगीत फिल्म मिल गया है एक यह है कि हम एक साथ एक विशेष करार मिल गया है रेडियो मुझे दे दो प्रमुख कार्य काठी के तहत उन्हें यह है कि हम क्यों ले नहीं है श्रीमान मनहूस चलो छोटे नोट उसे इस के साथ शुरू हो जाओ मेरे कि कंबल के अलावा सभी चलो सब जाओ सुबह श्रीमान बेकर मेरे नाम पर वापस आ गया है तम्बाकू पैसे मोनिका की एक खरीदा सुप्रभात सब कुछ मुझे लगता है कि श्री डॉट हाँ श्रीमान के शरीर के साथ हाँ बैक्टीरिया और है कि वे क्या करना चाहते हैं और जा रहा हो जाता है कि एक बरी कर दिया बजट remoteness या सवारी जहां अपार्टमेंट सा शुक्रवार लेकिन बिल्लियों यह था कि के बारे में किसी को तम्बाकू के बाहर वसा में है वे एक महान विचार है श्रीमान बेकर आप जानते हैं कि मैं इसे में रोलिंग सुना वह और हमें reprogram मिश्रित चलो अफगान प्रशिक्षित उह ... बनावट बाहर कक्षा से बाहर पश्चिम यह पसंद है या अभिनय किया किसी और संयंत्र दक्षिण फिर आदमी द्वारा हमला c_ पर और आप एक जोड़ी baylor पता पहरे पर तैनात आप नहीं कर रहे हैं क्योंकि तुम कर रहे हैं जो कि और मेरा के रूप में अच्छी तरह से बैंगलोर में प्रतिमान है कि काफी होगा बस के रूप में एक मूत्र क्या थे सहायक निदेशक आप जानते हैं कौन थे हमेशा हमारे उनके लिए समस्या थी प्रकाश उनके आग्रह से अगर वे दो हजार डॉलर में डाल दिया उह क्यों ... कोई नहीं काफी नहीं वे इतनी बड़ी लड़की नहीं कर रहे हैं निवेशकों तुम और अभी भी धीमी गति से कर रहे हैं aria मैं इसे पाने के लिए bom उम नीचे सड़क पर अगर और को रोकने के निजी जब हम आपको कोई संकेत दे स्थानों है कि एक पर खरीद सकता है की व्याख्या उसी दिन युगांडा में और प्रदान की सद्दाम एल्मो मद से आज सुबह आप के खिलाफ केवल के साथ आया था वापस दुबला देर से असंभव और अपने आप को दो उम आसपास बना और जब मैं कहना है कि आप जानते हैं कि यह सिर्फ ज्ञान पर नहीं है संपादकीय के सभी के लिए बंद परिसर चाचा हम उह है ... पृथ्वी हम यह था नवीनीकृत किया है कि यह था इसके लायक कभी सब कुछ आगे बढ़ाना किया पर जाना रोटी गोल चलो का जश्न मनाने कभी इसलिए बेचा पर जाना ग्यारह मातृभूमि समझते हैं कि नामांकन क्षारविशिष्ट खून है कि लंबे बाल थे और थपेड़ना मांग से मुलाकात कर रहे हैं और उसे लंबे समय तक रहना है और ऑनलाइन पल में वापस और चला गया था और हांगकांग न्यूनतम जीवित है और नीचे लाइन और शामिल गैरकानूनी घोषित और वे एक haha नहीं हो सकता है उह ... और समय पर और और और मैं शामिल है पर आते हैं लोहा और आकाश के लौह चूर्ण उन्हें और की जरूरत है तो पल बल्बोआ पशु हैमबर्गर देहात गीत घर मील का पत्थर माँ पर शामिल नहीं किया और डॉट कॉम डॉट सिस्को में है या बात का है कि तरह है कि पुराने बनाता है जबकि देखने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा कि प्रोमो समय ऍक्स्प डेटिंग वापस घर बारिश की तरह दिखता है यहाँ रो रही है क्योंकि कि वहाँ है कि हो सकता है कि केवल एक खेल में शामिल कर सकते हैं ग्राहकों withrow वह क्या कहा अभिव्यक्ति के साथ आप पता है इसके बारे में सभी था कि दूसरी आदेश को बदलने के लिए रेत के साथ लेपित है और है कि एक नहीं है और एक इनकार एक एकालाप स्टूडियो के बजाय की खोज अभी भी अधिक दूर पर चौदह लेकिन बड़ा वह शहर में ओवल कार्यालय में चला गया समय अपनी बातचीत में आते हैं खुला दरवाजा अभिलेख कार्यालय ठीक है उसे उस पर वास्तव में शराब बड़ा कल कैपिटील यहाँ एक निर्माण सभी की एक जोड़ी है धन्यवाद आप पसंद नहीं है कि मेरी दादी अधिक पैसे तुम्हारे साथ रहना प्रिंट को बनाए रखने और दादी वे कर रहे हैं सोमवार के लिए अनुसूचित अगर मैं सिर्फ तुम हो करने के लिए कर रहा हूँ इंडियाना में सचिवीय क्षेत्र लेकिन जिस तरह से आप स्क्रीन पर प्यार करने के लिए जा रहा अगर आप के साथ थोड़ा अभ्यास नहीं मिलता हर्बल ई - टिकट मैं नहीं बल्कि बात होगी के बारे में है कि तुम मुझे सिर्फ एक छोटा सा पसंद है दिया नींद नहीं अपेक मैं वहाँ नहीं जा रहा हूँ अच्छा पर आते हैं स्वत: अध्याय के बारे में बातचीत आप एक अच्छा kirker कैसे अलग हो खुले हैं, लेकिन दरवाजा वैसे भी मैं दुखी हूँ एक सहायक से बात तुम सिर्फ प्रभाव पत्रकार निदेशक आप इन अधिकारी du रिकॉर्ड पुलिस पर कभी इनपुट के सुनने के लिए आप एक जोड़ी लेने crosstalk केटी रिकॉर्ड कितने सहायक निदेशक क्योंकि यहां आस - पास बस के बारे में पाँच एक कल है कि एक बहुत कुछ है हम रिपोर्ट है कि के लिए रखने के पैसे मैं नहीं जानता कि आप किस बारे में बात कर रहे हैं हम उन अतिरिक्त भुगतान एक प्रस्ताव मिला है सितारा आप मुझसे बात कर सकते हैं कि मैं क्यों इतना कहा मैं अगर तुम यहाँ के आसपास किसी भी अनुबंध मिला पता है क्या हुआ क्योंकि मैंने सोचा तुम सच में क्यों किया गया है सफाई जवाब चारों ओर पार्टी के साथ हम आप के लिए जा रहे हैं स्टेशन श्रोणि ठीक है मैं कई कारकों है कि आरंभ और कि ठीक के राज्य है कैलिफोर्निया के लिए साध्य लंबे समय होने जा रहा है समय जहाँ आप बदलने के लिए नहीं जा रहा है कर रहे हैं बात बस एक पल में परिपक्वता david मित्रों कुछ motorists बस के रूप में कर रहे हैं बल्ब जेन सुंदर युवा जीवन का स्तर जब यह उनके कठिन निवेश करने के लिए आता है पैसा कमाया और पेट्रोल परिणाम वहाँ एक बाहर बुलाया की कविता है अधिकतम क्षमता और किफायती परिवहन वे का आनंद लिया है सकते हैं एक असली आदमी कभी दरार को इंगित करता है आप यह आश्वस्त ज्ञान है कि पुलिस क्षमा याचना पहले से ही है जांच और परीक्षण इस वोट आप अगर होगा atrial प्रतिबंध अभ्यास भारी शहर और काउंटी के अधिकारियों की ओर इस महान पेट्रोल चालित सार्वजनिक अधिक पुलिस कारों एंबुलेंस आग की सेवा मोटर वाहन उपकरण इंजन कैलिफोर्निया राज्य और संघीय सरकारों इस पुराने जहाँ भी किसी भी अन्य ब्रायन से हम आप के लिए आमंत्रित करने के लिए जांच करने के लिए और अपने खुद के परीक्षण का कहना है कि हजारों की दसियों आप की तरह किया है विश्वास है कि आप उन्हें में शामिल हो जाएगा महसूस छितरी हुई हांफते तारीफ कर रही सार्वजनिक सेवा में सादृश्य peeps जिसका नाम स्पष्ट रूप से फर्जी है वास्तव में कैलिफोर्निया के लिए अतिथि थे अगले सात वर्षों वह अदालत में स्वागत किया गया अपने भाग्य अभिनेताओं और अभिनेत्रियों के साथ साथ गवाह के रूप में कार्य और भव्य चोरी का दोषी पाया गया था विभिन्न वह जेल में है कि अपने समय की सेवा प्रशिक्षण स्कूल है कि केवल एक पाठ है अपराध आपको धन्यवाद मुख्य खेलने नहीं करता है डेविस मिलों और वह और संगठनात्मक जा रहा है मांग जीवों के रूप में demagogued कि वास्तव में यह होगा बीमारियों और इतने पर और उम ... कॉल रिकॉर्ड competently डॉट मेल द्वारा है कि आप कभी नहीं सुना है, लेकिन क्लिंटन हूँ आप एक अच्छा रात देने
Last Update: 2019-07-06
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