Results for people choose to stayed home translation from English to Indonesian

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people choose to stayed home



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it is not for me to repel those who choose to believe.


(dan aku sekali-kali tidak akan mengusir orang-orang yang beriman.)

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 2


if you choose to create a new empty project, all changes will be lost.


jika anda memilih untuk membuat sebuah proyek kosong baru, semua perubahan akan hilang.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 2


when the checking is finished you can either choose to check again or just close.


ketika pemeriksaan selesai anda bisa memilih untuk periksa lagi atau sekedar tutup.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 2


last holiday i just stayed home every morning i watched tv when i was bored i was playing legend mobile games


liburan lalu saya hanya tetap dirumah at first setiap pagi saya menonton tv ketika saya sudah bosan saya bermain game mobile legend

Last Update: 2020-01-11
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


your media library is empty. you may import new music and videos into your library now, or choose to do so later.


pustaka media anda kosong. anda kini dapat mengimpur musik dan video baru ke pustaka anda, atau memilih melakukannya nanti.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


a page on the public internet requests data from your computer. for security reasons, automatic access is blocked, but you may choose to continue.


sebuah halaman di internet publik meminta data dari komputer anda. demi keamanan, akses otomatis di-blok, tetapi anda bisa memilih untuk melanjutkan.

Last Update: 2013-09-17
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


a page on the public internet requests data from your private intranet. for security reasons, automatic access is blocked, but you may choose to continue.


sebuah halaman di internet publik meminta data dari intranet anda. demi keamanan, akses otomatis di-blok, tetapi anda bisa memilih untuk melanjutkan.

Last Update: 2013-09-17
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


the text mainly tells about most people choose to burn their garbage in open areas than recycling them. i suppose they don't realize how harmful this practine is to their health and to the environment. there are some reasons why we shiuld not burn waste


teks utamanya bercerita tentang

Last Update: 2020-10-27
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


during the covid pandemic, i have no plans to travel unless there is a need. so i just stayed home, and did my school chore and cleaned up at home. i don't feel like i had any interesting experiences at all during the pandemic, because it's so boring.


selama pandemi covid, saya tidak memiliki rencana untuk berpergian kecuali memang ada keperluan. jadi saya hanya tinggal di rumah, dan mengerjakan tugas sekolah dan bersih bersih di rumah. saya tidak merasa memiliki pengalaman menarik sama sekali selama pandemic, karena ini sangat membosankan.

Last Update: 2021-01-29
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


two weeks ago i returned to my hometown in sidikalang. wow, finally i can enjoy the end of semester break in the village. unfortunately, it's rainy season there. it rains almost every day there. we didn't have enough time to visit some of the tourist spots there because of the rain. we don't have enough sunlight even to dry our clothes. as a result we just stayed home most of the day. seeing this condition, we decided to grill the chicken. the activities we did that day, of course, came from mo


dua minggu yang lalu saya kembali ke kampung halaman saya di sidikalang. wow, akhirnya aku bisa menikmati akhir semester istirahat di desa. sayangnya, musim hujan di sana. hujan hampir setiap hari di sana. kami tidak punya cukup waktu untuk mengunjungi beberapa tempat wisata di sana karena hujan. kami tidak memiliki cukup sinar matahari bahkan untuk mengeringkan pakaian kami. akibatnya, kami hanya tinggal di rumah hampir sepanjang hari. melihat kondisi ini, kami memutuskan untuk memanggang ayam. kegiatan yang kami lakukan hari itu, tentu saja, ide dari ibu

Last Update: 2023-01-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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