Results for österreichisch translation from English to Italian

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Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


but the real alarm bells rang when orban and his fidesz party approved a go-ahead, together with neighboring austria, of the south stream russian pipeline, ignoring eu claims it violated eu rules. orben proclaimed at a meeting with germany’s horst seehofer in munich on november 6, “es lebe die österreichisch-ungarische energiemonarchie” (long live the austro-hungarian energy monarchy.)[6]


ma i campanelli d’allarme risuonarono sul serio quando orban e il suo partito fidesz approvarono il via libera, insieme alla vicina austria, del gasdotto russo south stream, ignorando l’ue che afferma che ciò viola le norme comunitarie. orban disse, in una riunione con il tedesco horst seehofer a monaco di baviera il 6 novembre, “la monarchia energetica austro-ungarica vive”[6].

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

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