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name one insect that can be seen in the jungle



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the visual of endolymphatic hydrops can be seen in the high resolution mri.


penglihatan hidrop endolimfatik dapat dilihat dalam mri resolusi tinggi.

Last Update: 2022-03-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


special flag. the exact meaning of the flag can be seen in the right hand column.


bendera khas. makna sebenar bendera dapat dilihat dalam lajur sebelah kanan.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


there are several factors that can be seen as the main cause of climate change that is happening in the world at this time.


ada beberapa faktor yang mampu dilihat menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya perubahan iklim yag terjadi di dunia pada ketika ini.

Last Update: 2022-01-14
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


the lines can be seen on the floor surface and in the outline of the human figure that forms the interlock.


garisan dapat dilihat pada permukaan lantai dan di bahagian outline figura manusia yang membentuk jalinan.

Last Update: 2022-07-17
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


special flag. valid for the whole folder, the exact meaning of the flag can be seen in the right hand column.


bendera khas. sah untuk seluruh folder, makna sebenar bendera dapat dilihat dalam lajur sebelah kanan.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


this statement can be seen in the context of the school of vision where under one roof the same teachers and pupils can create and maintain racial unity using the malay language.


pernyataan ini dapat dilihat dalam konteks sekolah visi di mana di bawah satu bumbung guru dan murid yang sama dapat mencipta dan mengekalkan perpaduan kaum dengan menggunakan bahasa melayu.

Last Update: 2018-09-22
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


however, there is still an existing legislative loophole in streamlining and empowering the legislative powers that can be taken over parties who violate the provisions and conditions contained in the malay reserve law.


pun begitu, masih terdapat kelompangan perundangan sedia ada dalam memperkemas dan memperkasakan kuasa perundangan yang boleh diambil ke atas pihak yang melanggar peruntukan dan syarat yang terkandung dalam undang undang rizab melayu.

Last Update: 2023-04-20
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


this work means one that symbolizes the god who esa. the meaning of "one" can be seen in the shape of the work that is in the form of one and radiates into the sky. this idea has been inspired by the structure and features of the minaret itself.


karya ini bermaksud satu yang melambangkan tuhan yang esa. maksud “satu” dapat dilihat pada bentuk karya yang berbentuk satu dan memancar ke langit. idea ini telah diilhamkan dari structure dan ciri minaret itu sendiri.

Last Update: 2022-06-29
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous
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our selection for this organization is because we are very interested in the achievements that starbucks has achieved that can be exemplified by young entrepreneurs.


pemilihan kami bagi organisasi ini adalah disebabkan kami sangat tertarik dengan pencapaian yang telah diperolehi oleh starbucks yang boleh dijadikan contoh oleh para usahawan muda.

Last Update: 2022-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


because in social media every individual is very easy to access the negative things that are violence,pornography and other things that can be seen by all ages without limits and the impact is very disturbing for them, such as children,


seterusnya, media sosial amatlah melalaikan kerana ia berbentuk hiburan kedua selepas television dan ia akan membuatkan individu ketagih lebih-lebih lagi dalam membuat video dalam tiktok bagi meraih like yang banyak h

Last Update: 2022-06-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the rate of increase in the number of passengers during peak hour is higher than non peak hour. it can be seen that the maximum value for non peak hour is 63 people at the main city station while for peak hour is 178 at bukit bintang station


kadar pertambahan bilangan penumpang during peak hour adalah lebih tinggi berbanding non peak hour.hal ini dapat dilihat nilai maximum bagi non peak hour adalah sebanyak 63 orang iaitu di station bandar utama while for peak hour adalah sebanyak 178 iaitu di station bukit bintang

Last Update: 2022-12-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the law is one of the guidelines for the behavior of a person affected by society. it is important that in the event of a crime that can be life-threatening to society and also damage public property it can be convicted of physical injury generally it is one of the criminal cases


undang undang adalah salah satu panduan untuk tingkah laku seseorang terhaap masyarakat.ianya penting sekiranya berlaku jenayah yang boleh mengancam nyawa masyarakat dan juga merosakkan harta benda awam ianya boleh disabit kesalahan atas kecederaan fizikal secara amnya ianya adalah salah satu kes jenayah

Last Update: 2021-12-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


a successful risk management program requires the cooperation of house members to reduce the likelihood of accidents and potential hazards in the house. below are some basic recommendations that can be followed to develop risk management policies for the maintenance of their own local homes.


program pengurusan risiko yang berjaya memerlukan usaha kerjasama ahli ahli rumah untuk mengurangkan kemungkinan kemalangan dan bahaya yang berpotensi wujud di rumah tersebut. di bawah ini disenaraikan beberapa cadangan asas yang boleh diikuti untuk membangunkan dasar pengurusan risiko penyelenggaraan rumah tempatan mereka sendiri.

Last Update: 2021-11-27
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


reduce strength and moisture in the content. it is also difficult to dress wood smoothly when planning against cereals. there are several types of hardwoods that can be used in the construction of marine ships. for example, gum, teak, oak and chengal.


mengurangkan kekuatan dan kelembapan dalam kandungan. ia juga sukar untuk berpakaian kayu dengan lancar apabila merancang terhadap bijirin. terdapat beberapa jenis hardwoods yang boleh di pakai dalam pembinaan kapal marine. contohnya, gum, teak, oak dan chengal.

Last Update: 2021-11-16
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


this chapter has shown that cartilage, much like other tissues, is really a family of tissues spanning a broad spectrum of cell maturation states. in the growth plate, a subset of the cartilage phenotype, chondrocytes can be seen at distinct states of maturation in a linear array.


bab ini telah menunjukkan bahawa tulang rawan, sama seperti tisu lain, benar-benar keluarga tisu yang merangkumi spektrum luas keadaan kematangan sel. dalam plat pertumbuhan, subset phenotype tulang rawan, chondrocytes boleh dilihat pada keadaan matang yang berbeza dalam tatasusunan linear.

Last Update: 2021-11-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


chocojar is a unique extra food that can only be seen when humans create it. nowadays, it is difficult to create chocojar because most people do not want to produce it since it is difficult to make because there are many procedures that must be followed in order to ensure quality. the majority of the chocojar can be found in a stand, and people are easily drawn to it since malaysia has a large number of chocolates lovers.


chocojar ialah makanan tambahan unik yang hanya boleh dilihat apabila manusia menciptanya. pada masa kini, sukar untuk mencipta chocojar kerana kebanyakan orang tidak mahu menghasilkannya memandangkan ia sukar dibuat kerana terdapat banyak prosedur yang perlu diikuti bagi memastikan kualiti terjamin. majoriti chocojar boleh didapati dalam gerai, dan orang ramai mudah tertarik kepadanya kerana malaysia mempunyai sebilangan besar penggemar coklat.

Last Update: 2021-12-18
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


wood carving is beginning to be taken seriously and it has become a trend (style) at this time where it can be seen at some corners in the construction of a house with a modern concept. interior decorations such as furniture are also beginning to get a touch of wood carving whose motifs have been modified according to the tastes of the times.


ukiran kayu mula di pandang serius dan ia telah menjadi trend(gaya) pada masa ini di mana ia mula dapat di lihat pada sebahagian sudut di dalam pembinaan sesebuah rumah yang berkonsepkan moden. hiasan dalaman seperti perabot juga mula mendapat sentuhan ukiran kayu yang mana motif motifnya telah diubah suai mengikut selera zaman.

Last Update: 2022-01-31
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous


sculpture is a discipline in the field of art, where sculpture is a three -dimensional work of art. it is touchable and can be seen in 360 space. sculpture is also a physical object with certain material processing and techniques. sculpture is a creative object, which is based on the creativity and innovation of a sculptor.


seni arca merupakan satu disiplin dalam bidang kesenian, dimana seni arca merupakan karya seni yang berbentuk tiga dimensi. ianya boleh disentuh dan boleh dilihat dalam ruang 360. arca juga merupakan satu objek fizikal dengan pengolahan bahan dan teknik tertentu. arca adalah satu objek kreatif, dimana ia berdasarkan kepada kreativiti dan inovasi seseorang pengarca.

Last Update: 2022-02-12
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous


baju bodo is one of the traditional bugis ethnic clothing in selangor. bodo shirts are worn by brides and most can still be seen in the bugis village in jenjerum kuala langat, selangor. this costume can also be seen in pooja dance performances, patenun dance and madupa bosara dance. apart from that, the wearing of this shirt is also very important during the official ceremony of the selangor royal grandeur. this traditional bugis ethnic shirt is usually square cut while the sleeves


baju bodo merupakan salah satu busana tradisional etnik bugis di selangor. baju bodo dipakai oleh pengantin perempuan dan kebanyakan masih dapat dilihat di perkampungan bugis di jenjerum kuala langat, selangor. busana ini juga boleh dilihat dalam persembahan tarian pooja, tarian patenun dan tarian madupa bosara. selain itu, pemakaian baju ini juga amat penting semasa majlis majlis rasmi kebesaran diraja selangor. baju tradisional etnik bugis ini kebiasaanya berpotongan segi empat manakala lengan

Last Update: 2021-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


1 a) in conclusion, there are many significant differences that can be seen, among them from the service, namely the port of gudang sand is a versatile port that offers services for bulk and container cargo while the port of singapore is a port that provides extensive services. this caused singapore port to become the second busiest port in the world. in addition, gudang sand port has facilities that are less expensive than singapore port.


1 a) kesimpulannya, banyak perbezaan yang ketara yang dapat dilihat antaranya darisegi perkhidmatan iaitu pelabuhan pasir gudang merupakan pelabuhan serbaguna yang menawarkan perkhidmatan untuk kargo pukal dan kontena manakala pelabuhan singapura merupakan pelabuhan yang memberikan perkhidmatan yang meluas. hal ini menyebabkan pelabuhan singapura menjadi pelabuhan kedua tersibuk didunia. selain itu, pelabuhan pasir gudang memiliki kemudahan yang kurang cangih dari pelabuhan singapura. seterusnya

Last Update: 2022-11-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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