From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
she is a doctor
उनी गायिका हुन्
Last Update: 2024-09-17
Usage Frequency: 1
i became a doctor.
Last Update: 2024-05-23
Usage Frequency: 1
we do more study for made a doctor
म डाक्टर बन्न चाहन्छु
Last Update: 2023-09-07
Usage Frequency: 1
a doctor saves lives
डाक्टर भनेको एउटा सम्मानित पेशा हो
Last Update: 2023-03-05
Usage Frequency: 1
my aim in life to be a doctor
जीवनमा मेरो उद्देश्य एक डाक्टर हुन
Last Update: 2018-08-29
Usage Frequency: 3
my dream is to become a doctor
mera sapna hai ki mein doctor banu
Last Update: 2022-03-16
Usage Frequency: 1
i wish we were together
म चाहन्छु कि हामी सँगै हुन्छै
Last Update: 2023-07-15
Usage Frequency: 1
that which we were doing
जो हम कर रहे थे
Last Update: 2022-12-24
Usage Frequency: 1
essay on my aim to become in life as a doctor
डाक्टरको रूपमा जीवनमा मेरो लक्ष्यमा न
Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1
we were given a farewell photo of maya by class 11
हामीलाई कक्षा ११ ले मायाको चिनो विदाई फोटो दिइयो
Last Update: 2024-03-31
Usage Frequency: 1
essay on if i were a engineer
यदि म एक ईञ्जिनियर हुँ भने निबन्ध
Last Update: 2020-03-05
Usage Frequency: 1
i wish you was unmarried and we were couple
म चाहन्छु कि तपाईं अविवाहित हुनुहुन्थ्यो र हामी दम्पती थियौं
Last Update: 2024-04-10
Usage Frequency: 1
who want a doctor but also they cannot afford due to lack of financial problem
जो डाक्टर चाहान्छन् तर आर्थिक समस्याको कमीका कारण पनि खर्च गर्न सक्दैनन्
Last Update: 2024-07-18
Usage Frequency: 1
we don't know what we were doing actually
हामी वास्तवमा के गर्दैछौं थाहा छैन
Last Update: 2022-01-30
Usage Frequency: 1
li wenliang, a doctor at central hospital of wuhan, who later contracted and died of covid-19 after raising awareness of the spread of the virus.
ली वेनलियाङ, वुहान केन्द्रीय अस्पतालका एक चिकित्सक, जो भाइरसको प्रसारको जनचेतना जगाएपछि covid-19 को सम्पर्कमा आए र उनको मृत्यु भयो।
Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1
we were planning for staying at ground floor for next 5 minutes as it was not quiet safe to go out from home at that moment. i looked outside my window to see the condition and there were people running
यो पहिलो अचानक भूकम्पले सबैजना धेरै डराए, हामी अर्को 5 मिनेट भुईं फ्लोरमा बस्ने योजनामा थियौं।
Last Update: 2022-10-03
Usage Frequency: 1
even in disaster there is something good that has happened, something that has moved us forward from where we were before.letting go of stagnancies in our life like a tank full of fishes with the shark in it.we are the fishes and the problem are the sharks.
पनि प्रकोप मा केहि राम्रो भएको छ कि, हामीलाई अगाडि हामी it.we मा शार्क संग माछाहरू भरिएको ट्यांक जस्तै हाम्रो जीवन मा stagnancies को गो before.letting थिए जहाँ बाट सारिएको छ कि माछाहरू र समस्या गर्दै छन् केहि छ को शार्क।
Last Update: 2016-07-14
Usage Frequency: 1
everybody were so terrified by this first sudden quake, we were planning for staying at ground floor for next 5 minutes as it was not quiet safe to go out from home at that moment. i looked outside my window to see the condition and there were people running
त्यसबेला हामी कठिन पलबाट गुज्रिरहेका थियौं र एकअर्कालाई आत्तिनु पर्दैन भनेर मनाउथ्यौं। त्यो ठूलो हल्लिएपछि बुबा र दाजु भुइँ तल्लामा आए
Last Update: 2022-10-03
Usage Frequency: 1
but suddenly i felt dizzy movement which was an earthquake, it was so quick with very high intensity of movement. i could easily decide that was a massive quake because there was a mass of crackling sound coming from around my house and those sounds were new to me. i grabbed one big pillow from bed and brought my friend to cover up with that big rectangular pillow. we were sitting side by side near by door frame with our knee down position covering our heads. we were having a tough moment at tha
but suddenly i felt dizzy movement which was an earthquake, it was so quick with very high intensity of movement. i could easily decide that was a massive quake because there was a mass of crackling sound coming from around my house and those sounds were new to me. i grabbed one big pillow from bed and brought my friend to cover up with that big rectangular pillow. we were sitting side by side near by door frame with our knee down position covering our heads. we were having a tough moment at that time and convince each other for not getting panic. after that massive shake my father and elder brother came down to the ground floor
Last Update: 2022-10-03
Usage Frequency: 4