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philipsdam (n257) following the water in eastern direction until hellegatsplein (a29/a59).
philipsdam (n257) seguindo a linha de água no sentido leste até hellegatsplein (a29/a59).
Last Update: 2014-11-06
Usage Frequency: 1
from philipsdam (n257), follow the water in an easterly direction until hellegatsplein (a29/a59).
philipsdam (n257) seguindo a linha de água no sentido leste até hellegatsplein (a29/a59).
Last Update: 2014-11-06
Usage Frequency: 1
hellegatsplein (a29/a59) following in northern direction change in rijksweg (a29) following in northern direction until ring rotterdam (a15).
hellegatsplein (a29/a59) seguindo no sentido norte, mudar em rijksweg (a29) seguindo no sentido norte até ao ring de roterdão (a15).
Last Update: 2014-11-06
Usage Frequency: 1