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when they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus.
pic ci kanotmoat oti, kikcitapie'nkaswuk shiw tinoswunuk te'pe'nke't cisus.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
in those days came john the baptist, preaching in the wilderness of judaea,
ici niw e'kishkiwuk kipie'wak can, ke'ctapie'nwe't, e'pmukie'kwe't no‘wmtukwakukik cwtie'uk.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and straightway he preached christ in the synagogues, that he is the son of god.
ipi kie'nup okiminwaciman knaystin shiw nume'okumkok win e'okwismukot kshe'mine'ton.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, rabbi, rabbi.
ipi e'numkotwa shiw e'tshutatuk, ipi e'wikowat ni ninwun, ke'knomake't, ke'knomake't.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
now when john had heard in the prison the works of christ, he sent two of his disciples,
ici can kanotake't katshikpakot omikice'wiwun ni knaystin; okikatonan nish ni ke'knomowacin.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of jesus.
iwci e'kintomawat ipi okinawan ke'ko e'wipwakitnit, ipi e'wipwakukinomake'nit shiw tinoswunuk cisusin.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the lord. then prayed they him to tarry certain days.
okukatonanci e'wi kcitapie'nkasnit shiw tinoswunuk kshe'mine'to; okiwishte'pmawanci e'wi iinit o nat sokwun.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel.
ipi ki caye'k, kacipitupcuk, shi e'tshi kikitokiwuk kan okinapmawan, okiwapmawan shiw shkishkonuk e'shinakwsinit ke'cwa, mshinwe'n.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
but i say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable for the land of sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee.
otisi ktinum, wusimi kuwunit otukim-satam, pic tupakwnuke'okishkuk, ici kin.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and about the time of forty years suffered he their manners in the wilderness.
pic ci nie'wapituk tsopon; okipkite'ntumwan iw tishwe'psiwnawan shi na’wmtukwakik.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
(for as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus.)
e'pwamshici pkishnotakwat, mtinoki ka kcitapie'ntwa shiw tinoswunuk te'pe'nke't cisus.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and jesus going up to jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart in the way, and said unto them,
cisus ci e'nmapiskat e'ishat cinose'numuk, okimacinan ni mtatso shitnish ke'knomowacin, ici e'nminshike'osawat e'nmishiawat, oti okinan.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and he answered and said, he that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.
e'kinkwe'twanci oti ci okinan, winsi wacpmukamit niw onice'n shiw onakunuk, owiie'o ke'patamit.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach jesus christ.
iwci e'tso kishkuk shiw kci-nume'okumkok ipi e'tsuk wikwaman cokipon kinomake'sik, ipi kipon kie'kwe'sik, shiw tinoswunuk cisus knaystin.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and a vision appeared to paul in the night; there stood a man of macedonia, and prayed him, saying, come over into macedonia, and help us.
pan ci e'pkonianuk, kiapwi, nkot, e'nipwunit me'sitonie' ninwun, e'wish te'pmukot oti kikitwun; me'sitonie'uk pie' shian; ipi pie' nishokmoshinak.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and a certain jew named apollos, born at alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to ephesus.
ipi nkot cu e'panus kishinkaso katshinikit, shi e'ne'kse'nte'ne'uk ke'ckikitot nini, ipi kawishkisit shiw kikitonuk kshe'mine'to, kipie'shie' shi ipisusuk.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
(for they had seen before with him in the city trophimus an ephesian, whom they supposed that paul had brought into the temple.)
osam kiwapmawan oshkica, e'pmowice'wanit shi kci otanuk, topimusin, ipisusuk nini, okine'nmawan ni panin, e'kipitike'nanit shi nume'okumkok.
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
and it came to pass, that, when i was come again to jerusalem, even while i prayed in the temple, i was in a trance;
oti ci kanomkuk, mini shi kapiaian cinose'ne'muk e'ie' numaian shi nume'okumkok nkiapwa;
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
(and when they heard that he spake in the hebrew tongue to them, they kept the more silence: and he saith,)
(pic ci kanotwawat e'kikitonit, e'shumnit ni ipnoiun, wusimi tokum kiik ici oti okinan;)
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
pic ci wapmie'k ki shake'ntakwse'cuk ke'pnactocuk, kashinikanacimot nakanacimot te'niunin, ni pwowat shi e'tshe'mno shicke'wat (we'kwe'ntuk ke'waptumkwe'n shiw msinukinuk uocma okinsitan,)
Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1
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