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denture cleaner.
proteza čišći.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
the denture maker?
- proizvođača proteza? - svakako.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
but the denture is fine.
proteza je u redu.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
show me your denture cream.
pokaži mi kremu za protezu.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
poligrip denture cream. i'll...
protefix krema za proteze!
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
and denture cream and... penile implants.
implatanata za penis.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
and between us.. we've only one denture.
a između nas mi smo kao jedna zubna proteza.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
it's not the denture, i did it myself.
nije proteza, lično sam je uradio.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
faith, can you grab donald's denture cream?
faith, možeš li dohvatiti donaldovu pastu za zubalo?
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
yeah. i'm sure she did-- about denture cream.
sigurno je, o namještanju zubala.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
but tell me, am i the right type for denture adhesive?
Činim li vam se kao tip za ljepilo za zubne proteze?
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
gamma: i'm getting prunes and denture cream!
a ja hvatam miris šljiva i krema od đumbira.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
some adult diapers, some denture cream and metamucil. ha ha ha.
pelene za odrasle, pastu za desni i metamucil.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
as well as being a basketball player, i'm also a denture wearer.
osim što sam poznati košarkaš, nosim i protezu..."
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
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we thought the nostalgic reference to the '50s would appeal to the denture set.
mislili smo da će nostalgična podsjećanja na 50-te privući na proteze.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
aunt wilene's denture cream holds all day long... givingyour dentures a bond with real staying power.
aunt wilene's zubna pasta ceo dan daje svež dah daje vašim zubima realan izgled.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
"and that will apply," he said, "even when i wear dentures!"
"i bit će primjenljivo," rekao je, "čak i kada budem nosio protezu!"
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
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