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summer months.
letnji meseci.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
summer's months away.
ljeto je još daleko.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
especially in the lean summer months.
posebno u mršavim letnjim mesecima.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
i have mourned for three long months, summer months too.
i to leti!
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
it could disappear in the summer months by 2030.
mogla bi nestati u letnjim mesecima 2030.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
they always put the really hot ones in the summer months.
uvijek stavljaju doista zgodne na ljetnje mjesece.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
besides, short and sassy for those hot summer months.
osim toga, kratko i sassy onim vrućim ljetnim mjesecima.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
it's during the hot summer months that hurricanes are born.
tokom vrelih letnjih meseci, uragani se rađaju.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
only males appear to cruise the reef and only in the summer months.
izgleda da samo mužjak kruži oko grebena i to samo u letnjim mesecima.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
but usually i just save them for the summer months because they are marvellous instruments for swatting flies.
ali, obično ih čuvam samo za letnje mesece zato što su sjajan instrument, za teranje muva.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
but every year, in the summer months, venice is papered with that sort of notice.
ali svake godine, leti, je venecija puna takvih plakata.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
i have provided you with five workers twice each summer month.
dajem vam po petoricu radnika, dva puta svakog letnjeg meseca.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
in the summer months, between this well and our cistern... we'll have 55 cubic meters.
tako ćemo početkom svakog leta, sa bunarom i cisternom raspolagati sa rezervom od 55 kubika vode.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
in the warmer summer months, thousands of tonnes of the gas is released from vents in the surface.
u toplim letnjim mesecima hiljade tona gasa se oslobađa iz odušaka na površini
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 2
moreover, they allow for a year-round tourism season instead of one concentrated on the summer months.
Štaviše, turistička sezona traje čitave godine, umesto samo u letnjim mesecima.
Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1
more than 26 sporting events will take place in the first two summer months, starting with a basketball tournament on 6 june.
u prva dva letnja meseca biće održano više od 26 sportskih događaja, počevši od košarkaškog turnira 6. juna.
Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1
so, kale, think you can stay conscious long enough to tell us your plans for the three wondrous summer months ahead?
kejl, misliš li da možeš ostati dovoljno dugo pri svesti da kažeš svoje planove za tri letnja meseca pred nama?
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
fire-fighters in montenegro work under very difficult conditions and fires are a constant hazard, particularlyin the hot summer months.
vatrogasci u crnoj gori rade u veoma te{kim uslovima a po`ari predstavqaju stalnu pretwu, posebno u toku vrelih letwih meseci. izme_bar_u juna i avgusta 2003. godine bilo je preko 1200 po`ara samo u podgorici.
Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1
these summer months this room gets like a bake-oven by 9:00 in the morning... so i operate at 5:00.
ovih, letnjih meseci, u ovoj sali bude kao u rerni već u 9 sati.... zato operišem u 5.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
hey, in the summer months, i may look like a lazy load, but the day after thanksgiving, i'm the neighborhood go-getter.
u ljeto ispadam lijen, ali poslije dana zahvalnosti sam pravi radiša.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1