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father in law
Last Update: 2022-01-15
Usage Frequency: 1
those were the people to whom we gave the book and the law and the prophethood. but if they reject these things we shall entrust them to a people who will not deny.
kuwaasu ‘awn kuwaan siinay kitaabka, xukunkniiyo nabixinuada, fladday ka gaaloabaanna kuwaasu acjaalada makaads waxaan a a’akaalanayqoom ann ka (jaaloobayn, (muslimiinta).
and thereafter we have placed thee upon the law of the religion; so follow it thou, and follow not the vain desires of those who know not.
waxaana ku yeellay waddo amarka diinta ah, ee raac, hana raacin hawada kuwaan wax ogayn.
4) this order shall be enforceable pursuant to california law, including, but not limited to, government code section 8665.
waxaa sidoo kale la amray in sida ugu dhakhsaha badan ee macquulka ah, amarkan in loo geeyo xafiiska arrimaha dibada oo si balaadhan loo baahiyaa oo wargelin laga bixiyaa amarkan.
"'(i have come to you), to attest the law which was before me. and to make lawful to you part of what was (before) forbidden to you; i have come to you with a sign from your lord. so fear allah, and obey me.
waxaana rumeyn wixii iga horreeyey oo tawreed ah, waxaan idiin bannayn wixii laydinka reebay qaarkiis, waxaana idiin la imid calaamad xagga eebihiin ka ahaatay, ee ka dhawrsada eebe, ina adeeca.