From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
me barza est membre de l’association du barreau canadien, de l’association du jeune barreau de montréal et de la lord reading law society.
mr. barza is a member of the canadian bar association, the association du jeune barreau de montréal and the lord reading law society.
en novembre2011, avec le soutien du crdi et du centre technique de coopération agricole et rurale, radios rurales internationales a lancé barza , un site de réseautage social unique en son genre destiné aux radiodiffuseurs.
in november 2011, farm radio international, with support from idrc and the technical centre for agricultural and rural cooperation, launched barza , a unique social networking site for broadcasters.
À minuit, à massaken barza, près de la faculté d'agriculture, un groupe terroriste armé a enlevé khaled mahma, dont le corps a été retrouvé par la suite près de kfar batna.
13. at 0000 hours, an armed terrorist group abducted khalid mahmah in masakin barzah -basatin al-nuzha, next to the college of agriculture. he was found dead near kafr batna.
barza, m. potential mechanisms of increased disease in humans from antimicrobial resistance in food animals, clinical infectious disease, 34 (suppl 3), 1er juin 2002, p.
potential mechanisms of increased disease in humans from antimicrobial resistance in food animals. clinical infectious disease, 34 (suppl 3), s123-s125.