Results for m�diterran�enne translation from French to English

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politique m diterran enne


mediterranean policy

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


migrations et asile mont e des tensions en m diterran e orientale ...


migration and asylum mounting tensions in the eastern mediterranean ...

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


cet accord constitue un l ment essentiel du partenariat euro-m diterran en et le conseil esp re qu'il sera mis en oeuvre rapidement.


this agreement is an essential component of the euro-mediterranean partnership and the council hopes it will be implemented rapidly.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


la proposition de la commission concernant l'enveloppe m diterran enne sera relev e de 210 millions d'ecus jusqu'au niveau de 2 310 millions d'ecus.


the commission proposal for the mediterranean envelope will be increased by 210 mecu up to a level of 2310 mecu.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


la programmation du bolero , qui commen a en avril avec deux itin raires alternatifs travers la m diterran e, avec d part et arriv e barcelone les lundis, sera maintenue jusqu au 11 novembre.


until the 11th november, the bolero maintains the programming that started in april with two alternative itineraries on the mediterranean, with departures and arrivals in barcelona on mondays.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


avouons le franchement : difficile de trouver terre des outils et des services d'une aussi grande qualit . impossible de les trouver en voguant sur la m diterran e.


it's impossible to find them while sailing in the mediterranean.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


c) accro tre la stabilit et la s curit r gionales, notamment en ce qui concerne le processus de paix au moyen-orient et le partenariat euro-m diterran en.


(c) enhance regional stability and security, in particular as regards the middle east peace process and the euro-mediterranean partnership.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


dans son rapport de 1979, le groupe d’´ tude canadien sur e l’examen m´ dical p´ riodique a analys´ les donn´ es disponibles et e e e e a conclu qu’il n’y avait pas de preuves scientifiques suffisantes pour justifier le d´ pistage de la thalass´ mie dans l’ensemble de la e e population, mais qu’on disposait des preuves acceptables pour recommander le d´ pistage chez les personnes d’origine asiatique, e africaine et m´ diterran´ e eenne. ce chapitre constitue une mise a jour du rapport ant´ rieur.


in its 1979 report, the canadian task force on the periodic health examination reviewed the available evidence and concluded that there was no scientific evidence to support screening for thalassemia in the general population, but that there was fair evidence to support screening of people of asian, african, and mediterranean ancestry. this chapter updates the earlier report in the light of further publications and technological advances and extends its scope to consider screening for other hemoglobinopathies, including sickle cell disease.

Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1

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