Results for what is certus adamans et infera... translation from Hungarian to Danish

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what is hidden volume protection?


hvad er skjult bind beskyttelse?

Last Update: 2010-09-07
Usage Frequency: 1


5.1 global netting should a default termination occur , the ecb shall , as soon as is reasonably practicable , take an account of what is due from each party to the other under each netting agreement ( including under appendix 2 of this agreement ) in respect of which default termination has occurred and aggregate the sums due from each party to the other under such netting agreements ( including under appendix 2 of this agreement ) , in every case in or converted into the base currency , and only the net balance of the account shall be payable by the party owing the larger aggregate sum .


5.1 global netting should a default termination occur , the ecb shall , as soon as is reasonably practicable , take an account of what is due from each party to the other under each netting agreement ( including under appendix 2 of this agreement ) in respect of which default termination has occurred and aggregate the sums due from each party to the other under such netting agreements ( including under appendix 2 of this agreement ) , in every case in or converted into the base currency , and only the net balance of the account shall be payable by the party owing the larger aggregate sum .

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 3

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