Results for ragi tape translation from Indonesian to English

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ragi tape



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fermentation starter

Last Update: 2011-05-11
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Wikipedia


sdt ragi instant/ fermipan


1 tablespoon of sugar

Last Update: 2022-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


"ragi yang sedikit akan mengembangkan seluruh adonan," kata orang


a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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pada saat kelas 3 smp kami mendapat tugas praktek membuat tape singkong sekitar jam 2 siang kami pulang sekolah setelah sampai di rumah saya dan teman teman pergi ke kebun mengambil singkong dan kebun kami sangat jauh karena ada di gunung jam 3 sore kami sampai di kebun kami istirahat sejenak lalu mencabut singkong untuk dibawa pulang kami juga memetik daun singkong untuk dijadikan sayur cuaca mendung tetapi tidak hujan tapi di hulu sungai hujan deras kami buru buru pulang karena takut sungai banjir sekitar jam 5 sore


when in the 3rd grade of junior high school we got the task of making cassava tapes around 2 pm we came home from school after arriving at my house and friends went to the garden to pick cassava and our garden was very far because it was on the mountain at 3 pm we reached the garden we took a break and then plucked cassava to take home we also plucked cassava leaves to be used as vegetables in cloudy weather but it did not rain but upstream of the river it rained heavily we rushed home because of the fear of the river

Last Update: 2024-04-14
Usage Frequency: 36

Reference: Anonymous


7 januari, saya membuat tape(uprak ipa biologi) dan mendokumentasi kan nya berupa video 10 januari, tape yang saya fragmentasi selama 3 hari berhasil. 23 januari, saya mulai membuat laporan tape untuk uprak ipa 24 januari, saya menyelesaikan laporan untuk uprak ipa 16 februari, meet bersama mam dian, mam dian memberi pencerahan untuk mengerjakan uprak 16 februari, saya menyicil uprak ips dengan mengumpulkan data data nya di google docs 17 februari saya mengedit video dokumentasi proses saa


on january 7, i made a biological ipa tape and documented it in the form of a january 10 video, a tape that i fragmented for three days successfully. january 23, i started making a tape report for uprak ipa january 24, i completed the report for uprak ipa february 16, meet with mam dian, mam dian enlightened to work uprak february 16, i isolated ips uprak by collecting data data in google docs february 17 i edited the video documentation process saa

Last Update: 2021-03-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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