Results for piombava translation from Italian to English

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mentre ne riprendevo uno, infatti, l’altro mi piombava spesso alle spalle, felice, come un bambino, per avermela fatta.


while i was filming one, in fact, the other was rushing upon me, happy for having cheated me.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


41 allora gli uomini d'israele fecero fronte indietro, e que' di beniamino furono spaventati, vedendo il disastro che piombava loro addosso.


41 then the men of israel turned back, and the men of benjamin were amazed, for they saw that disaster was come upon them.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


come anticipato telefonicamente vorrei davvero ringraziare tutto lo staff della backstage e in particolare i nostri (ormai fanno parte della grande squadra omron) matteo, simone e mauro perchè , anche sotto pressione, sono stati davvero superprofessionali, supergentili, superefficienti, supertutto e soprattutto hanno sopportato la sottoscritta che piombava in cucina ogni due per tre e non solo per riposarsi


as i already told you by phone i would like very much to thank all the staff from backstage and in particular our (as the are by now part of the omron team) matteo, simone e mauro because, also under pressure, have been very professional, very kind, very efficient, great in any aspect and, in particular, they tolerated me dropping into the kitchen frequently and not only to have a rest.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

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