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Last Update: 2012-10-06
Usage Frequency: 9

Reference: Wikipedia


atmosfera bumi



Last Update: 2013-09-26
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: Wikipedia


tekanan atmosfera


atmospheric pressure

Last Update: 2015-06-16
Usage Frequency: 23

Reference: Wikipedia


kelembapan di atmosfera


air humidity

Last Update: 2021-05-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


kemasukan semula atmosfera


atmospheric entry

Last Update: 2015-04-26
Usage Frequency: 12

Reference: Wikipedia


kitaran hidrologi ialah peredaran air dari bumi ke atmosfera dan kembali ke bumi. pergerakan jisim air berlaku dalam pelbagai bentuk seperti wap, pepejal dan cecair. pergerakan dari satu komponen alam sekitar ke satu komponen yang lain


the hydrological cycle is the circulation of water from the earth to the atmosphere and back to the earth. the movement of water mass occurs in various forms such as vapors, solids and liquids. movement from one component of the environment to another component

Last Update: 2023-04-02
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


hutan yang merupakan sebahagian daripada persekitaran fizikal mempunyai banyak kegunaan sama ada dalam interaksinya dengan komponen komponen fizikal yang lain seperti atmosfera, litosfera dan hidrosfera, ataupun manusia serta hidup hidupan yang lain. pada peringkat awal kewujudan manusia hutan serta hasilnya termasuk haiwan telah digunakan sebagai pembekal bahan makanan


forests that are part of the physical environment have many uses either in their interaction with other physical components such as the atmosphere, the litosphere and hydrosphere, or that of humans and other living things. in the early stages of the existence of forest humans as well as their produce including animals were used as food suppliers

Last Update: 2021-11-30
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


salah satu akibat yang paling mempengaruhi kita adalah kesan perubahan iklim kerana tidak ada pokok yang dapat menyerap begitu banyak karbon dioksida yang dikeluarkan oleh manusia dan jumlah gas yang terdapat di atmosfera tidak dikurangkan. kita tahu bahawa peningkatan karbon dioksida di atmosfera meningkatkan kesan rumah hijau, sehingga suhu rata rata planet ini akan terus meningkat sehingga akan menyebabkan bencana planet yang lebih besar.


one of the consequences that most affects us is the effects of climate change because no tree can absorb so much of the carbon dioxide emitted by humans and the amount of gas found in the atmosphere is not reduced. we know that an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect, so the average temperature of the planet will continue to rise which will lead to a greater planetary catastrophe.

Last Update: 2021-11-29
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


kesan rumah hijau berlaku kerana pemerangkapan oleh gas gas. antara beberapa jenis gas rumah hijau yang boleh didapati ialah karbon dioksida, sulfur dioksida dan oksida nitrogen. kesan rumah hijau berkait rapat dengan pemnasan global. cahaya matahari yang membawa sinaran ultraungu ke bumi tetapi haba yang sampai ke permukaan bumi tidak boleh dibebaskan akibat disekat oleh gas karbon dioksida yang meliputi atmosfera. akibatnya suhu bumi semakin panas. proses kesan rumah hijau berlaku apabila komp


the greenhouse effect occurs due to trapping by gas gases. among the several types of greenhouse gases that are available are carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. the greenhouse effect is closely linked to global warming. sunlight that carries ultraviolet radiation to the earth but heat that reaches the earth’s surface cannot be released as a result of being blocked by the carbon dioxide gas that covers the atmosphere. as a result, the earth's temperature is getting warmer. the greenhouse effect process occurs when the comp

Last Update: 2021-11-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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