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menjauhi tabiat merokok dan minum minuman beralkohol
avoid the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol
Last Update: 2021-07-22
Usage Frequency: 1
pembersih tangan beralkohol perlu mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya 60% alkohol.
alcohol-based hand sanitizer should contain at least 60% alcohol.
Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1
terdapat juga golongan pelajar universiti ataupun dewasa yang mengalami tekanan, anxiety atau masalah kesihatan mental yang sering minum minuman beralkohol disebabkan beban belajar dalam talian, tekanan disebabkan penyakit covid19, menganggur kerana banyak sektor pekerjaan ditutup semasa covid19
there are also university students or adults who suffer from stress, anxiety or mental health problems who often drink alcohol due to the burden of studying online, stress due to covid19 disease, unemployed because many employment sectors are closed during covid19
Last Update: 2021-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1
kebanyakkan rakyat malaysia telah lama didedahkan dengan maklumat tentang keburukan penyalahgunaan dadah ini oleh ramai pihak. begitu juga dengan maklumat mengenai keburukan merokok dan minuman beralkohol. walau bagaimanapun, peningkatan kes penyalahgunaan bahan ini tetap berlaku dan kebiasaannya ia didominasi oleh golongan belia.
most malaysians have long been exposed to information about the harms of drug abuse by many. the same applies to information about the disadvantages of smoking and alcoholic beverages. however, the increase in cases of substance abuse remains the case and usually dominated by youths.
Last Update: 2021-12-16
Usage Frequency: 1
minuman beralkohol mengandungi etanol, iaitu sebatian yang tergolong dalam kumpulan dadah yang boleh menindas fungsi sistem saraf pusat. ianya boleh melambatkan tindakbalas fizikal dan mental peminumnya. selain itu, etanol juga adalah dadah yang boleh mendatangkan kebergantungan atau ketagihan jika diambil setiap hari. sebaik sahaja diminum, alkohol akan diserap ke dalam aliran darah melalui permukaan perut dan usus. sebahagian kecil akan terus pergi ke otak dan paru paru, dan dikumuhkan melalu
alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, which is a compound belonging to the group of drugs that can suppress the function of the central nervous system. it can slow down the physical and mental reactions of the drinker. in addition, ethanol is also a drug that can be addictive or addictive if taken daily. once ingested, alcohol will be absorbed into the bloodstream through the surface of the stomach and intestines. a small portion will continue to go to the brain and lungs, and be excreted through
Last Update: 2021-12-26
Usage Frequency: 1