From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
ahmad dan rizal bermain ping pong
ahmad and rizal play ping pong
Last Update: 2021-10-14
Usage Frequency: 1
ahmad dan sweet lan adalah tetangga dan k
mother cooked few chieken curry for dinner last night
Last Update: 2021-11-24
Usage Frequency: 1
ahmad dan kawan- kawanya sedang mengulang kaji pelajar di pondok sekolah
ahmad and his colleagues were reviewing students at the school cottage
Last Update: 2018-01-29
Usage Frequency: 1
siapakah 12 bintang yang bakal yang tersingkir pada minggu ini di pentas gv3, dihoskan oleh nabil ahmad dan jihan muse
who are the 12 stars who will be knocked out at this stage gv3 week, hosted by nabil ahmad and jihan muse
Last Update: 2016-10-11
Usage Frequency: 1
dan tiadalah seseorang rasul pun yang datang kepada mereka, melainkan mereka mempersenda dan mengejek-ejeknya.
and never came a messenger to them but they did mock him.
Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1
perasmian untuk program ini telah disempurnakan oleh ybrs. timbalan naib canselor (pembangunan) utm, prof. dr. mohd hamdan bin ahmad dan diwakili oleh puan lim swee kee, pengarah cbh recycle (m) sdn. bhd di utmdigital pada 04 ogos 2022.
utmdigital has organised an e waste collection programme in conjunction with utmdigital's 50 years of utm celebration. the program in collaboration with cbh recycle (m) sdn. bhd. the program was conducted for almost a month from 4 to 30 august 2022. this program targets the involvement of the campus community comprising students and staff to support the controlled disposal of electronic waste to maintain environmental sustainability.
Last Update: 2023-02-14
Usage Frequency: 1
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