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permainan telah bermula
has begun
Last Update: 2021-07-07
Usage Frequency: 1
bab baru telah bermula
new chapter
Last Update: 2022-01-06
Usage Frequency: 1
kerja telah bermula.
jobs have started
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
perjalanan baru telah bermula
your success journey began here 💕
Last Update: 2021-03-11
Usage Frequency: 1
permainan telah %c%cdikaku
the game has %c%cpaused
Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 1
%c*** permainan telah %cbermula
%c*** the game has %cstarted
Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 1
cuti sekolah telah bermula pada hari ini
the school holiday have began
Last Update: 2022-12-10
Usage Frequency: 1
cabaran jual beli plus500 telah bermula!
the plus500 trading challenge has started!
Last Update: 2013-05-12
Usage Frequency: 1
kursus scic siri 1/20 ini telah bermula pada 10 ogos 20 dan akan tamat pada 14 ogos 20.
this 1/20 series scic course has started on 10 august 20 and will end on 14 august 20.
Last Update: 2020-08-12
Usage Frequency: 1
semak opsyen ini jika anda ingin jelaskan bahawa aplikasi anda telah bermula. maklum balas visual ini mungkin tampak seperti kursor sibuk atau dalam taskbar.
check this option if you want to make clear that your application has started. this visual feedback may appear as a busy cursor or in the taskbar.
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
sahkan sama ada: - pakej 'libvirt-bin' telah dipasang - pakej daemon 'libvirtd' telah bermula
verify that: - the 'libvirt-bin' package is installed - the 'libvirtd' daemon has been started
Last Update: 2014-08-15
Usage Frequency: 1
penyerangan indonesia terhadap timor leste di bawah naungan operasu seroja telah bermula pada 7 disember 1975 bagi menangkis kuasa penjajahan, iaitu di mana tentera nasional indonesia berjaya menumbangkan fretilin lalu mencetus suatu pergolakan panjang kira kira 100000 180000 askar dan warga awam yang telah dianggarkan tewas di bunuh atau mati kelaparan.
indonesia's invasion of timor leste under the auspices of operasu seroja began on december 7, 1975 to repel the colonial power, in which the indonesian national army overthrew fretilin and sparked a long uproar of about 100000 180000 soldiers and civilians who were estimated to have been killed or starve to death.
Last Update: 2022-01-08
Usage Frequency: 2
hasrat untuk menubuhkan sebuah “khutub khanah atau perpustakaan” telah bermula sejak tahun 1966. sebuah jawatankuasa khutub khanah telah ditubuhkan untuk memulakan langkah tersebut. mesyuarat pertama telah diadakan pada 28 september 1968 dan bersetuju menggunakan bilik pertahanan awam di bangunan mahkamah lama yang terletak di jalan kelab indera kayangan, kangar sebagai tapak permulaan bagi memulakan sebuah khutub khanah di negeri perlis. segala kelengkapan seperti buku diperolehi melalui su
the intention to establish a "khutub khanah or library" has been going on since 1966. a khutub khanah committee has been set up to initiate the move. the first meeting was held on 28 september 1968 and agreed to use the civil defense room at the old court building located at jalan kelab indera kayangan, kangar as the starting point for starting a khanah pole in the state of perlis. all equipment such as books are obtained through su
Last Update: 2020-12-30
Usage Frequency: 1
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