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kazi ta’ bruċellosi ssuspettati jew attwali
suspected or actual cases of brucellosis
Last Update: 2014-10-18
Usage Frequency: 2
f’ kazi ta ’ dożi eċċessivi se jkun hemm effetti tipiċi estroġeniċi.
in case of overdose typical oestrogen effects may occur.
Last Update: 2012-04-10
Usage Frequency: 2
kazi isolati ta ’ reazzjonijiet allerġiċi għal ovitrelle (raxx) ġew irrapurtati.
isolated cases of mild allergic reactions to ovitrelle (rash) have been reported.
Last Update: 2012-04-10
Usage Frequency: 2
f'kazi bħal dawn il-materjal għandu jinzamm separat u jkun identifikat bħala tali.
in such cases the material shall be kept separate and identified as such.
Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2
addizzjonalment kienu irrapurtati kazi rari ta’ epatite wara 18 il-xahar ta’ trattament.
additionally late onset hepatitis after approximately 18 months of treatment has been reported rarely.
Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1
(l-ebda dejta għall-awtorità ta’ assistenza) / 2 kazi
(no data for assisting authority) / 2 cases
Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 4
l- effikaċja primarja finali ġiet minn ġabra ta ’ kazi confirmati ta ’ vte sintomatiku mhux fatali rikorrenti u vte tm
the primary efficacy endpoint was the du
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
Warning: This alignment may be wrong.
Please delete it you feel so.
għandha tiżdied fil-każijiet ta' tuberkulożi, poliomelite, kanċer, mard mentali u mard ieħor rikonoxxut mill-kummissjoni tal-komunitajiet ewropej ta' serjetà paragunabbli, u li tinstab kmieni, u f'kazi ta' isolament.
it shall be increased to 100 % in cases of tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, cancer, mental illness and other illnesses recognized by the commission of the european communities as of comparable seriousness, and for early detection screening and in cases of confinement.
Last Update: 2014-10-17
Usage Frequency: 4