Results for compesa translation from Portuguese to English

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Ø melhorar a eficiência operacional da compesa, bem como a confiabilidade do abastecimento de água e da prestação de serviços de saneamento;


improving the operational efficiency of compesa as well as the reliability of water supply and sanitation services provision;

Last Update: 2017-04-27
Usage Frequency: 1


dos 170 municípios atendidos pela companhia pernambucana de saneamento (compesa), apenas 30 recebem abastecimento de água 24 horas por dia.


of the 170 municipalities served by the pernambuco state water supply and sanitation company (compesa) only 30 receive water supply 24 hours per day.

Last Update: 2017-04-27
Usage Frequency: 1


É um país que carece aflitivamente de proteínas, apesar de as suas costas se estenderem ao longo de 2 000 quilómetros. significa isto a importância de que se revestem as compesações financeiras concedidas a tal país.


c3-5/90) for a regulation relating to the conclusion of the protocol establishing, for the period from 1 january 1990 to 31 december 1991, the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided in the agreement between the european communities and the people's republic of mozambique, on fisheries relations. '

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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