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krv u potocima.
rivers of blood.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
-slinu. slinu u potocima.
saliva, as in dribble.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
ispresijecan plitkim vijugavim potocima.
criss-crossed by shallow tidal creeks.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
"u potocima teče i žubori voda".
using burins in metal-work, margarita pavlovna: engraving is a very delicate matter. haste makes waste.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
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nemaju telefone u potocima s pastrmkama.
they don't have telephones in trout streams.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
a u nekim potocima kažu da ima zlata.
and in some of the streams, they say there's gold.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
"razmišljam o životu, o mojim potocima tuge.
reflecting on life, my sorrow streams.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
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"popunite moje ruke sa neba, oblacima, potocima."
fill up my arms with sky, clouds, streams.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
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"bogata užurbanim potocima, osvetljena sjajnim voćnjacima."
rich with thy hurrying streams bright with orchard gleams
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
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matadorova kćerka želi da vidi krv. neka poteče u potocima!
the matador's daughter wants blood let her see it flow!
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
100 kineskih reka teče u malim potocima od čiste sjajne žive.
the 100 rivers of china were said to run in miniature streams of pure glittering mercury.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
mrtvaci trunu po poljima i potocima zato što su živi već truli.
dead bodies rot in field and stream because the living ones are rotten.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
ljudi iz najviših slojeva društva plešu, a džin teče u potocima.
people from the most respectable walks of life dance and drink bathtub gin.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
izvor svog zlata koje je isprano u ovim potocima za 10,000 godina.
the very source of all the gold been washing down these streams for 10,000 year.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
desilo se da je bila u lepom okruženju, lepo zeleno područje, sa potocima
it also happened to be in a lovely setting. a nice, green area with streams running through it.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
iako su razdvojene podeljenom zemljom, jednog dana će se ujediniti u istim potocima.
though they'reseparated with the country divided... someday they'llreunite in thesamestreams.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
ali, slušajte dobro... ako ne želite da krv teče u potocima postarajte se za mog brata.
but listen to me. if you don't want any bloodshed do something about my brother.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
uzmeš osobu kao što je angliš i spojiš sa porodicom kao što je prendergast i mleko poteče potocima.
you take a person like anglich and put him together with a family like the prendergasts... and milk's gotta flow.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
glava mi je besna bujica... preplavljena potocima misli... što se ruše u vodopad stvaralačkih jednačina.
my mind is a raging torrent flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
ti, slavni moj maču! savršen i žestok kao slavni jošikane od kaga očišćen u potocima od večnih snegova!
you, noted sword, thoroughly tempered by the famous yoshikane of kaga,
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1